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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

6 years ago

Happy 69th Birthday Gloria Gaynor – “I Will Survive” Influenced a Generation

I don’t know about you, but, I always felt like Gloria Gaynor’s huge hit “I Will Survive” was the soundtrack of my life. Given everything our generation has been through, I’m sure that many women in the community feel the same way. Read More

6 years ago

When it Comes to Saving for Retirement, 60 is the New 50

I’m somewhat skeptical of the whole concept of “retirement.” I’ve seen far too many cases of people building up retirement as the “ultimate destination,” only to find themselves feeling lost, socially isolated and financially stretched when they finally get there. Read More

6 years ago

Are You Over 60? Act Like You’re Important – Because You Are!

Do you remember your first job? Whether it was waitressing or babysitting, office work or picking blueberries, you probably thought it was just a means to an end. It was a way to get a little extra money for clothes, makeup and other “things” that seemed so important at the time. Read More

6 years ago

Recently Retired? What Advice Would You Offer Your Younger Sisters on Saving for Retirement?

More than almost any other phase in our lives, our 60s are a time of transitions. At Sixty and Me, we like to focus on the emotional aspects of life after 60 – reinvention, making friends as an adult and overcoming your fears. Read More

6 years ago

3 Powerful Ways to Secure Your Legacy

Today’s topic might not be the most cheery, but, it’s still important. After all, we all want to leave the world a better place, even if we disagree regarding exactly how to do this. So, today, I would like to share an article by one of our fabulous bloggers, Paula Usrey. In it, she describes three ways to have an impact after you are gone. I hope that you find her article – and all of today’s other articles – thought-provoking and useful. Join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

6 years ago

Happy 78th Birthday Raquel Welch – Way More than Just a Pretty Face

Raquel Welch was born on September 5, 1940, in Chicago, Illinois. She worked as a model, waitress and TV weather girl, before getting into films. Today, Raquel turns 78 and I’d love us all to wish her a very happy birthday! Let’s take a look at some of the highlights from her career and why she means so much to many women over 60. Read More

6 years ago

My Healthy Aging Turmeric Tea – Video Demo and Recipe

I never thought about making turmeric tea until my last visit to India. On the trip, a good friend of mine introduced me to the diverse flavors of this magical drink. There was something about the spices, milk and honey that set my taste buds on fire. I absolutely loved it and I’ve been drinking turmeric tea every day since then. So, today, I would like to share a video that I recorded with this secret recipe. Join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

6 years ago

Were You Clueless Before Your 50th Birthday? A Nora Ephron Quote on Wisdom

The women in our Sixty and Me community have lived six fabulous decades. We have experienced challenges in each chapter of our lives and we have lived through some of the most dramatic times in the history of the world. Most of us have achieved great things as mothers, workers, friends, wives and members of society. Read More

6 years ago

Let’s Revive the Lost Art of Communication… We Can Do it Together!

In today’s “always on,” technology-saturated world, do you ever feel like the art of communication is dying? Have meaningful conversations been replaced by text messages in your life? Then, it’s probably time to revive the lost art of communication. Today, I’d like to share 5 tips for doing exactly this from one of our fabulous bloggers, Elaine Ambrose. I hope that you enjoy today’s video! Join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

6 years ago

Embracing the Unknown is a Key to Finding Happiness in Life After Retirement

As we get a little older, we start to realize that we have fewer years ahead of us than behind. In many ways, this new perspective helps us see life in a different, more meaningful, way. Read More