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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

10 years ago

3 Social Activities to Help You with Losing Weight After 60

According to the women in the Sixty and Me community, losing weight and making new friends are two of the things that we struggle with the most after 60.

I can certainly relate to this. There are days when I sit behind my desk for hours at a time, barely lifting my head for long enough to make a light snack, let alone get to the gym. Whether your weakness is the computer or the TV, I suspect that many of you feel the same. Read More

10 years ago

Dating After 60: A Love Psychologist’s Guide

I’ve met a lot of discouraged mid-life ladies, women who worry that, when it comes to dating after 60, all men want is someone young and hot. And yes, most men would like to find a younger woman; and they put a premium on aspects of beauty that are tough to maintain as we age. I could tell you they don’t, but I’d be lying, undercutting my own credibility, and going against data collected all over the world.

Yet you can successfully compete with younger women. Here’s how, in five scientifically proven steps: Read More

10 years ago

Have You Given Up on Finding Love After 60?

When I talk with the women in our community about senior dating, I am usually met with skeptical responses. It seems like the majority of us really do believe that finding love after 60 is practically impossible. Read More

10 years ago

Love Adventure? Here’s What I Learned from Senior Travel Expert Evelyn Hannon

If you are a woman who loves to travel, you will adore Evelyn Hannon. She is a 70+ year-old senior travel expert with a passion for life and a burning desire to experience new cultures. Read More

10 years ago

Happy New Year! This Year, Let’s Embrace our Natural Beauty After 60 (Video)

For many women, including myself, New Year’s always seems to be a time of “giving things up.” Maybe you’re promising yourself to watch a little less cheesecake this year – or watch a little less TV. These are both noble goals, but, this year I want to propose that we all say “yes” to something. Read More

10 years ago

New Year’s Resolutions – Building on the Past and Making Positive Plans for the Future

Every December we look ahead at the future and take a deep breath. It’s been quite a year hasn’t it? I am absolutely sure that is true for every single person in our community. Read More

10 years ago

Let’s End 2014 with a Bang! It’s Time to Be Visible!

Ok, hands up everyone who is looking back on 2014 and thinking “wow, what a year!” I’ve been so wonderfully busy with Sixty and me interviews, writing, and filming that I don’t know where the time has gone! Read More

10 years ago

What are the Best Senior Dating Sites? A No-Nonsense Comparison (Video)

Like so many things in life, dating is a numbers game. But, as we get a little older it sometimes feels like the odds are tipped against us! There is good news though. In the last few years, companies have started to realize that there is a huge opportunity to help people over 50 to find partners and have opened senior dating sites just for us. Read More

10 years ago

How to Manage Stress and Fight Loneliness Around the Holidays

It’s ironic that the winter holidays, which are meant to be filled with relaxation, love and peace, often turn out to be a time of stress and tension. Read More

10 years ago

Gift Giving Can be Fun! What is the Wackiest Gift You Ever Received?

The tradition of gift giving is an important part of the holidays and some people take it very seriously. Grandchildren produce long and detailed fantasy lists with items that they know are pushing every possible button. Where exactly can one buy teleportation machines these days? Unless you start planning in July, you might be waiting in long lines for those in demand gifts. Read More