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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

10 years ago

Making Friends as an Adult is Tough – Journeywoman Can Help

Have you ever noticed how good and bad things in life move in cycles? The more out of shape you become, the less likely you are to go to the gym. The more TV you watch, the less you feel like getting out and exploring the world. The same is true for making friends as an adult in your 60s.

In reality, getting the most from life after 60 requires us to find ways to break the negative loops that we are stuck in. Read More

10 years ago

I’m a Zoomer… and You Should be Too!

If you look at the way that people in their midlife and older are portrayed in the media, you would be forgiven for thinking that life ends at 60. There are exceptions – usually in comedies designed to show the humorous side of aging – but, for the most part, life after 60 is shown to be a time of turning invisible and aging gracefully. Read More

10 years ago

Life After 60 is a Dance – Don’t Stand in the Corner

For most of our lives, our choices are strongly influenced by others. Now, we finally have the opportunity make life after 60 anything we want it to be.

Unfortunately, many of us are still stuck with the habits that we formed during our 20s and 30s. We are used to life being something that happens “to us.” So, like little girls at our first school dance, we stand on the sidelines, waiting for someone to approach.

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10 years ago

4 Things Mature Models Teach Us About Beauty After 60

Of all of the people that I have interviewed for the Sixty and Me Show, Cindy Joseph is one of my favorites. Cindy is a mature model and the founder of Boom Cosmetics. She is undeniably beautiful, but, it is her personality and passion for life that I appreciated the most.

When I sat down to talk with Cindy, I expected the conversation to focus on how to find beauty after 60 in a practical sense – what to wear, how to apply makeup, etc. What we actually talked about was far more philosophical – and far more interesting. Read More

10 years ago

Style and Fashion for Older Women: Break the Rules and Express Yourself! (Video)

One of the best things about getting older is that you no longer need to worry about what people think. This is especially true when it comes to style and fashion for women over 60. Sure, there are certain principles that can help you to look your best – but, for the most part, now is the time to express your personality! Read More

10 years ago

Be Proud of Your Emotional Battle Scars After 60

The most interesting women over 60 that I know have more than their share of emotional battle scars. It seems like the more interesting our lives are, the more of a burden we are asked to bear. Does it sometimes feel the same to you? Read More

10 years ago

What’s in a Name? Are We Seniors, Baby Boomers or Something Else?

If there’s one thing that people in their 60s hate, it’s being labelled. After all, we have fought back against stereotypes and boundaries all our lives. Now, as we get a little older, we want to be treated as individuals and tend to reject group names. Read More

10 years ago

Healthy Aging Tips for Women – Advice from the Sixty and Me Community

For many women in the Sixty and Me community, healthy aging requires more than making simple choices about what to eat and who to spend time with. Staying healthy after 60 also means getting the most from life after 60. The more we live, the healthier we become, and vice versa.

Here are a few ways that the women in our community are living with verve and passion: Read More

10 years ago

Refusing to be Silent After 60

Women over 60 have so much wisdom to share with the world. So, why does it feel like we are expected to be silent? Maybe it has something to do with how older people are portrayed in movies and on TV. Other the occasional “angry seniors”, most of the men and women over 60 that you see on screen are happy to age gracefully. Read More

10 years ago

What Does Our Changing Perception of Beauty Say About Our Values?

Humans are social creatures and we are aware (sometimes painfully so) of the ways that we are perceived by others. Read More