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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

10 years ago

Can “Happy Foods” Really Boost Your Mood? Here’s What Science Has to Say

Recently, we’ve seen a number of claims on popular websites that “happy foods,” such as chocolate and coffee, can improve your mood. On the surface, these claims seem to good to be true. After all, who wouldn’t like to believe that having a Kit Kat with your morning coffee is the path to positivity and happiness? So, we decided to see what science has to say on this subject. Read More

10 years ago

Over 50 Dating Tips for Women from a World-Renowned Dating Coach

One of the best things about running Sixty and Me is that I get to interview so many fascinating people. Recently, I have interviewed over 50 dating coaches and entrepreneurs, doctors and yoga teachers. Each discussion was unique in its own way, but, I have to be honest that I have a special place in my heart for my interview with dating coach, David Wygant. Read More

10 years ago

Are You Ready to Write the Next Chapter of Your Life in Your 60s?

By the time we reach our 60s, most of us have regrets. This is a natural part of life. Some of us regret the way that a certain relationship ended. Others wish that we had stayed in closer contact with our friends or family. Still others wonder whether we should have taken a different path in our career.

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10 years ago

What Career Would You Choose if You Had it All to Do Over Again?

Ok, so, it turns out that a career doesn’t actually last a lifetime. In fact, the experts say that the average American can expect to have up to 11 jobs. Read More

10 years ago

How to Deal with Stress and Anxiety as a Woman Over 60

Most women my age, to one degree or another, are wondering how to deal with stress and anxiety. Some people, like me, even thrive with a little stress in our lives. We feel that stress, up to a certain point, makes us stronger and more alive.

Others fear stress or all kinds and do everything that they can to avoid it. What stresses you out? Do you think that there are some kinds of stress that are positive, while others are negative? Read More

10 years ago

Feeling Lonely? It’s Not Your Fault!

Feeling lonely is difficult to talk about. At times, it feels like loneliness is not just a feeling, but, a reflection of our place in society. Maybe we feel like we should be able to “take control” or “just get out there and meet people.” That’s certainly what society would like us to believe. Or perhaps we feel like we are alone in our loneliness – that we are one of only a handful of lonely people. Read More

10 years ago

Do Lonely People Really “Build Walls” that Separate Them from Others?

As a society, we love to talk about what lonely people are doing wrong. Some of the advice that people give is productive and well-intentioned, but, today, I came across a quote that I absolutely disagree with. The quote was by Joseph F. Newton, who said “People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.” Read More

10 years ago

Feeling Low Today? Why Not Give Yourself a Healthy Food Hug?

How do you respond to stress in your life? Do you go for a long walk in the park? Do you watch a funny movie? Do you reach for a large bucket of chocolate-mint ice-cream? Or, do you turn to healthy food options? Read More

10 years ago

Is Salt Water Really the Cure for All Life’s Problems?

For most of us, life after 60 is filled with opportunity, laughter and happiness. Unfortunately, it is also filled with its share of tragedy. Some of us will have to deal with the loss of our spouse. Others will watch their children going through difficult times. The majority of us will be touched by illness in some way. Read More

10 years ago

Overcoming Loneliness and the Cycle of Self-Destructive Thinking

People tend to think that overcoming loneliness is all about building connections with other people. As a result, most of the advice that you will hear when you tell someone that you are feeling lonely can be paraphrased as “what’s the problem? Just get out there and meet more people.” Read More