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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

10 years ago

What Can a 63-Year-Old Pole Dancer Teach Us About Life After 60?

Greta Pontarelli is not your typical 63-year-old. Not only was she a winner at the 2014 World Pole Sports Championships, but, she was also the oldest person ever to compete on the TV show American Ninja Warriors. Read More

10 years ago

The Sexiest Man Over 60 for 2015 is…

Do women over 60 still care about beauty, sex and romantic love? Do we still dare to use the word “sexy” when describing a man we find attractive? Sixty and Me, a global community of 100,000 women over 60, is ready to set the record straight on both counts, by voting for the sexiest man over 60 for 2015. Read More

10 years ago

Are You Accidentally Ignoring Your True Friends?

Have you noticed how some friends love to be around you when times are good but run for the hills at the first sign of trouble? Were they ever true friends? A few weeks ago, a friend of mine told me about her experience with cancer. Her husband, who was relatively young, was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and given about a year to live. Over the next 12 months, she did everything that she could to keep him comfortable, before he sadly passed away. Read More

10 years ago

Surprising Wardrobe Essentials that Re-define Fashion for Older Women (Video)

When it comes to fashion for older women, what are the fashion essentials that everyone should have in their wardrobe? Judith Boyd (a.k.a “The Style Crone”) has the answer! Read More

10 years ago

Turning 60 this Year? It’s Time to Celebrate!

Are you turning 60 this year? Congratulations! You’re about to join an exclusive club, filled with people who are reinventing their lives and exploring their passions.

If there is one thing that I have learned from the Sixty and Me community, it’s this – life after 60 is whatever you make it. I know people in their 60s who are in the best shape of their lives. I also know men and women who struggle to get out of the house once a day. Older business owners are the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs. At the same time, there are plenty of people who complain about not having any opportunities for professional growth after 60. Life after 60 is yours to define.

Here are a few tips for celebrating your 60th birthday and planning the next stage of your life. Read More

10 years ago

Is it Really Possible to Find Love After 50?

When you ask most single older people if they would like to find love after 50, the answer is almost always yes. But, if you ask them whether they think it is actually possible to find love after 50, their answers are more mixed. Some people believe that finding love is possible at any age. Others are skeptical. Read More

10 years ago

What Describes Your Ideal Retirement Lifestyle?

There was a time when the idea of a “retirement lifestyle” was a uniform experience. A few generations ago, for those lucky enough to reach age 65, the only real option was to live alone or move back in with your family. Retirement communities existed, but, they were expensive, restrictive and designed primarily for people with medical concerns. Read More

10 years ago

Don’t Postpone Reinventing Your Life After 60

I rarely pay attention to marketing messages, but, today I came across one that I just had to share with the community. The quote is from a Nike ad and has a simple message – “Yesterday you said tomorrow.” Wow! There is a lot of wisdom packed into these 4 words!

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10 years ago

Who Are the Sexiest Male Celebrities Over 60?

One of the biggest misconceptions about aging is that we no longer care about beauty, sex or romantic companionship. What rubbish!

Older women today are challenging stereotypes and living life with verve and passion. We want to look great, even if we don’t really care what other people think. We want to build meaningful Read More

10 years ago

Anti-Aging Reality Check – Do Women Over 60 Really Want to Look Younger?

Seeing young women advertising anti-aging creams has always annoyed me. Their skin is already flawless. What “improvements” could they possibly desire? I realize, of course, that I may not be in the target audience for most anti-aging creams. Women who are under extreme pressure to look useful are usually in their 30s or 40s. Read More