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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

9 years ago

4 Ways Volunteering May be Help to Deal with Loneliness

One of the most important things that I learned from our survey on loneliness is that people who are dealing with loneliness are not starved for interaction – they are starved for intimacy. I don’t mean intimacy in a purely romantic or physical sense. Read More

9 years ago

Learning to Love Yourself After 60

Do you love yourself? It’s a simple question, but, for most of us, I suspect the answer is complex. On one level, I assume that most of us have the instinct to say “Of course!” But, I’m less sure whether we really mean it. Or, do we perhaps just believe that this is the right thing to say. Read More

9 years ago

Stop Obsessing About Getting Older, Says Diane Keaton

Many women – and quite a few men for that matter – worry about getting older. Personally, I was 49 for several years, before finally admitting to the world, and myself, that I was in my 50s.

It’s not just the obvious things that we worry about, like wrinkles or a few extra pounds. Many of us obsess about more important things, like how to find meaning in our lives now that our kids have left the house or how to build new friendships as our social situations change. Read More

9 years ago

Advice for Finding Friends and Beating Loneliness from 50 Women Over 50

Many years ago, I had a good friend who had just gone through a very difficult loss and was overwhelmed with sadness. All I could do for the first few weeks was sit with her while she cried. Over time, she revealed the depth of her guilt and sadness and I realized that it was going to take her a long time to heal. Read More

9 years ago

Embracing the 3 P’s of Travel – People, Places and New Perspectives… My Road Scholar Trip Ends

Well, that’s it. After more than a week in beautiful, inspiring Prague, I’m on my way home. As I write this, I am sitting at a little coffee shop near the main train station in Prague. The sun is shining and the city is going about its business. This really has been an amazing trip.

Looking back at the last 9 days, it’s amazing to think how much Road Scholar managed to pack into this adventure. As I look back over my time in Prague, I am reminded of the “3 P’s” that make travel such a wonderful experience – people, places and new perspectives. Read More

9 years ago

This 80-Year-Old Dancer Has Got Talent!

Ok, I hate to admit it, but, I have a soft spot for shows like The X-Factor and Britain’s Got Talent. There’s something so uplifting about watching people pursue their passions. I’m always especially pleased when someone joins the show who shatters aging stereotypes. If there’s one thing that baby boomers, and our parents, need – it’s positive role models that show us that age is just a number. Read More

9 years ago

How Finding Your Purpose Could Protect Your Brain

As we reach 60s, baby boomers are starting to reevaluate our place in the world. This is only natural. After decades of looking after other people, many of us finally have an opportunity to take a step back and ask the “big questions.” It’s not that we are less busy. If anything, baby boomers are ramping up, not winding down. At the same time, as we get a little older, our focus is shifting.

Surviving is not enough. We want our lives to matter. Just like we did as teenagers, we are once again asking, “What’s my purpose in life?” Read More

9 years ago

Happiness and the Art of Finding Your True Self

By the time you reach your 60th birthday, you have a pretty good idea of who you are. You have faced all of the challenges that life has thrown your way and you have emerged victorious – ok, a little bruised too, but, victorious none-the-less.

At the same time, by the time we reach our 60s, many people find that the person that they are on the inside and the person that they are on the outside have moved far apart. Read More

9 years ago

Have You Tried Online Dating After 50? What Was Your Experience?

When I set out to create Boomerly, I knew that I didn’t want to build another “over 50 dating” site. Instead, I wanted to create a place that baby boomers could come to make new friends, no matter what they were looking for – a travel partner, a friend, a tennis partner or just someone to talk with. If some of our members find love along the way, I would be delighted. But, that’s definitely not the focus of the site. Read More

9 years ago

Boomers Are Masters of Career Reinvention. Now it’s Time for an Encore

Baby boomers have always been masters of reinvention. In every decade of our lives, we have challenged the status quo and lived life on our own terms. Some have accused us of being selfish for exactly this reason. But, deep down, our attempts to reinvent ourselves were rooted in our desire to get the most from life. Read More