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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

9 years ago

When it Comes to Love After 50, Do You Really Want a Soulmate?

Finding love after 50 is tough. That’s the conclusion that I have come to after talking with several senior dating experts, as well as, the women in our community. Part of the problem is that, while the dating game has changed, our expectations haven’t. Read More

9 years ago

What I Learned About Senior Dating from a Professional Dating Coach

If you are like many women in the community, the concept of senior dating probably sounds about as appealing as watching paint dry. For starters, no-one wants to think of themselves as a senior, even if they are in their 60s. In addition, after a life-time of difficult relationships, is it reasonable to think that we will be lucky in love in our 60s or 70s? Read More

9 years ago

Why Travel is Such a Great Way to Make Friends as an Adult (Video)

I was recently scanning through my 600 Facebook friends when I realized that less than 10% of them regularly interact with my posts or engage in conversations with me. In total, perhaps only 10-15 people regularly engage in dialogues that demonstrate a deep and meaningful interest in my life, work and passions. I’m not criticizing, by the way. I know how busy life can get. But, it’s still interesting how much we have come to rely on surface-level interactions with the people we care about. Read More

9 years ago

Beauty After 50: Get Real Result from Faux Tanning (Video)

When it comes to beauty after 50, one of the worst things that you can do to your skin is to spend too much time in the sun. As the days get longer and the sun returns, it may be tempting to get a “healthy” looking tan. Read More

9 years ago

What’s the Best Place to Look for Love After 60?

If you listen to the media, you would be forgiven for believing that looking for love after 60 is like trying to find water in the desert, blindfolded, without shoes… well, you get the idea. This might have been true in the 1950s, but, we’ve come a long way since then. The truth is that more people over 60 are finding love than ever before. Read More

9 years ago

A Woman’s Face Tells You More than Her Clothes

Today, I came across a quote by Dale Carnegie that reminded me of all of the fabulous women that have surprised me over the years. The quote was, “The expression a woman wears on her face is far more important than the clothes she wears on her back.” Read More

9 years ago

3 Things I Learned About Beauty After 50 from the Fabulous Cindy Joseph

Ok, I have a confession to make. Like many people, I have always been somewhat intimidated by beautiful women like Cindy Joseph. Over the years, I’ve seen her in trendy fashion magazines, with her fabulous long grey hair and glowing skin. So, when I sat down to interview Cindy about beauty after 50, I didn’t know what to expect. Read More

9 years ago

Joan Collins Says that Sex After 50 Should be Accepted as Normal

Sex after 50 is taboo subject. While we have come to expect our world to be filled with images of perfectly shaped 20-somethings in intimate situations, the very idea of sex over 50 is repulsive for many. In the movies, sex has become so commonplace that we barely even notice full-frontal scenes – unless, like in The Hangover, the body being shown is owned by an older person. In these cases, the nudity is there to make the audience giggle nervously. Read More

9 years ago

How to Write an Unstoppable Senior Dating Profile in 7 Easy Steps

If you are at the beginning of your senior dating journey, you probably have several questions. How can I write a great profile? Where are all the good men my age? Am I ready to deal with the emotions that will inevitably come as I get back into the dating game? Read More

9 years ago

Going to the Gym After 60 – Cheer or Chore?

Whenever someone asks me what they can do to get more from life after 60, I have a simple answer – exercise. On some level, we all know that getting in shape is essential to every aspect of our lives. Read More