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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

9 years ago

Aikido for Your Elderly Parents? Harmonious Concept or Horrible Idea?

When you think about the typical Aikido student, you probably don’t picture someone in their 80s. You certainly don’t think about your elderly parents. After all, Aikido, at least the way that it is portrayed in movies, involves a lot of throwing – and just as much falling. As with any martial art, it’s easy to think of Aikido as being “too dangerous” for someone older to try. But, is this really the case? Read More

9 years ago

Why the Book “The Secret” is Right for All the Wrong Reasons

A few years ago, Rhonda Byrne’s little book, “The Secret” took the world by storm. Her message was simple: if you want good things to happen to you, start thinking positive thoughts. If you imagine yourself becoming wealthy, the universe will, eventually, shower you with riches. There is even an example in the book that talks about how to use your mind to create open parking spaces. Boy, do I wish that worked for me! Read More

9 years ago

5 Myths About Loneliness After 50

Loneliness is a taboo subject. In fact, most of us would rather admit to having an affair or carrying too much credit card debt than to admit that we are feeling lonely. I’m not sure why this is.

Perhaps we see loneliness as a personal failing. Or, maybe we just don’t want to be associated with the images that are connected to loneliness in the media.

The truth is that loneliness is nothing to be ashamed of. After all, everyone experiences loneliness at some point. Read More

9 years ago

Things to do with Your Grandkids this Summer: Show them the 4 Elements

Summer is my favorite time of the year. When the sun is warm and my granddaughter comes to visit, everything is right in the world. Like many grandparents, I believe that I have a role to play in helping her to see the world beyond an iPhone screen. I want her to experience all of the elements – earth, wind, water and fire. Here are a few of the ways that I hope to enjoy the season. I hope that you find these ideas useful as you are planning your own summer activities. Read More

9 years ago

3 Fears All Older Women Face… and How We Can Conquer Them

Women over 60 are used to dealing with stress. Over the course of our lives, we have raised families, navigated careers, built relationships and travelled the world. Many of us have experienced a divorce, separation or death in the family. Through it all, we have emerged stronger than ever. Read More

9 years ago

Forget Rocking Chairs! Boomers Are Rocking and Rolling in Retirement

Not too long ago, retirement was a time of relaxation and “aging gracefully.” Well, if playing golf, knitting and reading in your rocking chair is your idea of a good time, more power to you. But, taking it easy is no longer your only option. As we reach retirement age, more boomers than ever are saying no to rocking chairs and yes to rocking and rolling around the world. Read More

9 years ago

Jane Fonda’s Book, Prime Time, Fights Aging Stereotypes

The problem with aging stereotypes is that they can become self-fulfilling prophesies. When we see example after example in movies and on TV of older people getting grumpy, boring and disconnected from the world in their later years, we start to believe that this is “normal.”

Today, I came across an interesting analogy by Jane Fonda. I haven’t read her book, “Prime Time,” yet, but, the idea stuck out enough that I want to mention it here. Read More

9 years ago

Nail Polish Trends to Help You Get the Look You Want – Beauty After 50 Tips (Video)

Join Ariane Poole as she explores the world of beauty after 50. Ariane is an extremely talented makeup artist and a good friend.

In this edition of the Sixty and Me show, we cover the latest nail polish trends to help you get the look you want this summer. Give it a watch and then join the conversation! Read More

9 years ago

What Do You Want to Accomplish in the Next 10 Years?

We always seem to be setting goals for the next great thing we want to do. Every decade has its own unique lens. Read More

9 years ago

4 Ways Older Models Are Changing the Fashion Industry

For decades, or centuries even, fashion has been a young person’s game. In a way, this makes sense. Not only were young people the ones with the most disposable income, but, retirement, was seen as a time of aging gracefully, not dressing fabulously.

Oh how the tables are turning! For starters, older women are now one of the most desirable consumer groups. In addition, far from fading quietly into the night, women in their 50s and 60s are embracing fashion and makeup and living life to the full. Read More