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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

9 years ago

The Secret Lives of Modern Grandmothers

I am a modern grandmother. My granddaughter calls me “Baba Margaret” – and I fully expect the “Baba” (Russian for Grandma) will drop off in a few years. Like most grandmas, I’m busy these days. I manage two businesses and my granddaughter and I live in different countries and time zones. Read More

9 years ago

Should Life After 50 Be About Slowing Down or Speeding Up?

Most people over 50 don’t consider themselves “old.” And, why should we? After all, most of us aren’t planning on retiring any time soon. Our aches and pains are occasional, not chronic. Our brains are buzzing along happily, with few, if any signs of forgetfulness or mental fuzziness.

At the same time, it often feels like the world expects us to start slowing down. Read More

9 years ago

Are Boomers Optimistic About their Financial Future? The Answer May Surprise You!

Let’s start with a simple question. Are baby boomers ready for retirement? In a word, no. If we define “retirement” as an extended period of living off of our savings, baby boomers are most definitely not ready for retirement. In fact, according to a report by Charles Schwab, 43% of baby boomers have saved less than $25,000 for retirement. That’s not small change, but, it’s insignificant compared to the cost of living over 20-30 years. Read More

9 years ago

Sisters, You Are Perfect Because of Your Imperfections

One of the strange realities of life is that we assume that everyone else has their lives together while ours is in chaos. The reason for this is that we are all great actors; we are able to hide our imperfections, worries and problems from the world. On the other hand, we know ourselves perfectly because… well we are ourselves. Read More

9 years ago

How to Recover from a Divorce After 60

Many women in our community have been forced to deal with a divorce after 60. These women are not alone. According to UK government statistics, divorce rates for women over 60 have increased significantly since 1991. This is despite the fact that overall divorce rates are down during the same period. Read More

9 years ago

3 Easy Ways to Get the Most from Life After 60

Life after 60 is a time for reflection and renewal. It can also be a time for recommitting ourselves to our core values and exploring life with a renewed sense of purpose. As I talk to the other members of the Sixty and Me community, I find that most women believe that the best years are still to come – if we make good decisions today.

On some level, we all know that the secret to longevity and happiness after 60 isn’t found in the latest pills and potions that the “anti-aging” industry pushes at us. The best tonic for longevity is to live well – to surround ourselves with good friends, new experiences, healthy food and worthwhile dreams. But, if you are feeling a bit apprehensive about life after 60, you may be looking for some more specific advice. After all, we all know what makes us happy, but, knowing how to make ourselves happy is another matter! Read More

9 years ago

4 Morning Rituals to Increase Your Health, Happiness and Wealth

How do you spend the first 30 minutes of every day? What are your morning rituals? These are simple questions, but, the answers that you give have everything to do with your health, happiness and wealth after 60.

Over the last few years, I have talked with hundreds of baby boomers. During this time, I have noticed a pattern. The ones that seem to be the most successful, at least in terms of health, happiness and wealth, are the ones who follow simple rules. Of course, not everyone has the same routine, but, here are a few of the most popular activities that the most successful people among us focus on every morning. Read More

9 years ago

Living Alone or in a Community? What’s Best After 60?

Over the last few years, more and more women have chosen to live in communities. In theory, this living situation is similar to the communes that many women were at least aware of in their 20s. In those days, women chose to live together for philosophical reasons. For example, many women found that this living session provided an outlet for their bohemian style and desire for experimentation. Read More

9 years ago

How to Find the Best Place to Sell Your Handmade Items Online

In previous articles, I covered how to improve your crafting skills and how to decide which items to produce. If you have already followed this advice, you should already be well on your way to building a successful business. Now, I would like to take a look at another critical step in the process – deciding how and where to sell your handmade items online. Read More

9 years ago

Why the Strongest Women Are Not the Most Aggressive

When you see a “strong woman” portrayed in a movie or on TV, she is almost always pushy, opinionated and self-centered. There is an implicit assumption that in order for a woman to be “strong,” she needs to be aggressive and brash. Read More