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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

9 years ago

Why Not Make a Difference in a Young Woman’s Life by Being a Mentor?

As women, we live complex and wonderful lives and accumulate wisdom through a wide range of experiences. The strange thing is that we sometimes don’t realize how much we’ve learned until we speak with a younger person and realize they are struggling with issues that we dealt with years ago. It’s not that we have all of the answers, but, we do have some perspective. Read More

9 years ago

Do We Really Stop Learning After 60?

I usually agree wholeheartedly with the quotes that I share with the Sixty and Me community, but, today I came across one that I have mixed feelings about. The quote, by Marie Ebner-Eschenbach, is “In youth we learn, in age we understand.” Read More

9 years ago

Weird and Wacky Uses for Common Kitchen Items

Kitchens are wonderful places. They are full of magic ingredients and can transform a meal and a family. Read More

9 years ago

5 Unexpected Tips for Finding Your Style After 60

Fashion trends have never been a huge priority for me. I am really a bit of a beatnik. Style is a different matter altogether. Like many women, over the decades, I have been seduced by hats and scarves and have always enjoyed putting things together in a way that communicated my personal style. Read More

9 years ago

Are Older People Really “Anti-Technology?”

In many ways, Baby Boomers were the first generation to experience constant technological change. In the 1950s and 60s, household devices focused on convenience and productivity were already well established. In the following decades the rate of change has only accelerated. Read More

9 years ago

Getting Fit After 50 – Impossible Goal or Worthy Cause?

Like many people, I have found out the hard way that getting fit after 50 is tough. This bothers me because I’d really like to lose a few extra pounds. It’s not that I have low self-esteem. I don’t particularly care what other people think about my body. After six decades on this planet, I’m definitely past all of that.

At the same time, there are so many reasons that I want to be in better shape. Read More

9 years ago

Life After 60 Isn’t Perfect? No Problem – It’s Still Amazing!

Life after 60 isn’t perfect. In addition to the everyday concerns that exist in your younger years, you also have to deal with a weakening body, living on a pension and changing social roles. With all this going on, it’s easy to be discouraged. I even know women who are quite bitter about their life after 60. They look at their life and ask themselves “This is it? How, after 40 years in the workforce did it come to this?” Read More

9 years ago

Who Was the Best President of Your Lifetime? Baby Boomer Poll

Since 1946, when the first baby boomers were born, to today, our generation has seen a lot of presidents. We’ve witnessed war and peace, scandals and, occasionally, true political dignity. Over the last 71 years, we have experienced long periods where “our” party held power – and, we have held our breath while “the other guys” had their time in the sun. Read More

9 years ago

4 Ways Meditation Can Improve Your Life After 50

Life after 50 is full of distractions, complications and worries. As we approach “retirement,” whatever that means, we are balancing careers, dealing with changing social circumstances and struggling to stay healthy and fit. According to society, our 50s and 60s should be a time of “winding down” and “aging gracefully.” For most baby boomers I know, this really isn’t our style. Read More

9 years ago

What Do You Do When You Feel Lonely?

As we get older, our roles and relationships change. Some of us have retired from full-time work only to find out that our familiar friends are scattered all over the world. Read More