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Marcia Smalley is a certified retirement coach and life coach, a writer and a teacher. She delights in helping mid-life women step confidently into their next act and design a joyous, expanded life. Marcia provides coaching support to women who are navigating retirement or other life transitions and writes a monthly e-newsletter to her entire online community. Please visit her website at

Latest Posts By Marcia Smalley

4 years ago

Building Resilience in Tough Times: Do We Have It in Us to Move Forward?

Back in February, I didn’t realize the timeliness of the article I wrote about resilience and the lessons we learn that help us bounce back from difficult days. Here we are now, in a crisis bigger than any of us imagined a month ago…

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5 years ago

What’s the Magic Word? How Giving Up New Year’s Resolutions Could Enrich Your Life

As the calendar page turns, many of us are once again making resolutions. We’re clarifying our intentions for the year ahead. We’re contemplating our dreams. Read More

5 years ago

The Medicine of Travel: Can a Week Away from Home Really Recharge Your Batteries After 60?

“Whenever we do something creative, […] we draw on images from our inner well. If we learn to restock our store of images, we will find ourselves able to work more easily…”

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5 years ago

How Going on a Retreat Reinvigorates Your Life After 60

Women our age have grown up to believe it can be selfish to make time just for us. A lot of us have lived 50 years or more with the mindset that we’re the glue that holds everyone together; that, without us, things would literally fall apart. Read More

6 years ago

Out with the Old! 5 Things Every Woman Should Throw Away This Spring (and 5 Things to Keep)

Yes, your cabinets or closets may need a good purging. But spring is also good time to throw away some things that don’t require a trip to Goodwill. I know you’re chomping at the bit to dig through your cupboards. But how about sorting through your clutter within, too?

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6 years ago

4 Ways to Navigate the Honeymoon Phase of Retirement

I recently heard it called The Honeymoon Phase. If you’ve chosen to work less or have left your work life behind altogether, you might recognize it.

‘It’ is that first stage of retirement that can last a few months or a few years. Read More

6 years ago

10 Life Lessons About Being 60 and Beyond

Life never runs out of things to teach us. Some days it feels like I could fill a library with all my lessons. And I haven’t always gracefully accepted all this learning. I resisted a lot of it. Read More

6 years ago

5 Ways to Reclaim Joy During Difficult Times

Joy was in short supply. I’d received a lot of bad news from several people in my life. It was a litany of loss. And never mind the world news in general, which is almost always hard to hear. I longed for more good cheer, for myself and for my loved ones. Read More

7 years ago

4 Ways to Get What You Want in Retirement

I don’t consider myself ‘retired,’ but I do include myself among those who are retooling their lives now that a full-time job is a thing of the past. I’ve written previously for Sixty and Me about living a happy retired life, one without career demands. Read More

7 years ago

3 Reasons We’re More Joyful at 60 and Beyond

A lot is being written these days about the joy we’re finding at 60 and in the decades beyond. But is this counter-intuitive? After all, our lifetime is winding down, we’re facing a lot of endings, and our next chapters are undeniably shorter than our first. Read More