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Marcia Smalley is a certified retirement coach and life coach, a writer and a teacher. She delights in helping mid-life women step confidently into their next act and design a joyous, expanded life. Marcia provides coaching support to women who are navigating retirement or other life transitions and writes a monthly e-newsletter to her entire online community. Please visit her website at

Latest Posts By Marcia Smalley

2 years ago

Are You Emotionally Ready for Retirement? 5 Tips to Prepare You for Life After Work

“Retirement” is a hot topic. Data shows that Baby Boomers exited their jobs in greater numbers in 2020 than in 2019 with the pandemic being a contributing factor to this exodus. Retirement is changing the face of the work force…

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2 years ago

How Does Being 60 Feel Different Than Being 50?

I remember being disappointed when I turned 50. I felt like Oprah had let me down. I wasn’t coming into my own body the way all the magazines said I would, the way I was ‘supposed’ to. I was fighting with a hormonal body…

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2 years ago

Aging Well Is Hard Work… But, It’s Worth it!

The road I live on isn’t paved. It stretches for a mile – a dusty avenue wide enough for two vehicles, and treacherous after a heavy rain. I knew this a dozen years ago when we found our property, which ultimately became our home…

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2 years ago

What Can Our Dogs Teach Us About Positive Aging?

Life lessons come in all sizes, and often life’s teachers are from unlikely places. In particular, our animal friends, both domestic and wild, have a lot to teach us. The lessons of aging are no exception…

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3 years ago

These 3 Life Lessons Taught Me to Be Resilient

Do you ever wonder how you’ve made it this far with everything life’s thrown at you. You might credit your staying power to luck or to chance. You might thank divine intervention. Maybe all of the above…

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3 years ago

Is Keeping Busy the Secret to a Happy Retirement?

During our work lives we put a lot of emphasis on productivity. We’re evaluated according to how much we accomplish. That spills into other aspects of life, because we live in a culture that values getting things done, momentum, progress…

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3 years ago

Will 2022 Be the Year of the Older Woman?

The start of the year is a popular time to reflect. So, I’m inclined to be a little philosophical as we greet 2021 while pulling ourselves out of the abyss of the past year and catching our collective breath. I know there’s nothing…

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3 years ago

How Will You Nourish Yourself This Year?

Our life choices either deplete us or nourish us. They affect us physically, emotionally and spiritually, usually all at the same time. We can feel our choices down to the bone, in our gut and around our heart space. Our bodies speak to us…

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3 years ago

4 Important Life Lessons I Learned from Older Friends

Like other women my age, I’ve skimmed the surface of a lot of relationships. I’ve spent hours in small talk and nodded politely during countless introductions to people I’ve long since forgotten. It took me most of my 67 years to realize that I don’t like this…

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3 years ago

4 Ways to Embrace Aging Without Growing Old

I began writing this article several times. The topic: aging. What to say: a lot, not much… not sure? Finally, I turned to some women from my personal circles, all of them between the ages of 50 and 75. I caught them a bit by surprise when I broached the subject…

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