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Marcia Smalley is a certified retirement coach and life coach, a writer and a teacher. She delights in helping mid-life women step confidently into their next act and design a joyous, expanded life. Marcia provides coaching support to women who are navigating retirement or other life transitions and writes a monthly e-newsletter to her entire online community. Please visit her website at

Latest Posts By Marcia Smalley

1 year ago

5 Benefits of Meditation in Midlife and Beyond

I started meditating around age 60. It’s safe to say it changed my life. It certainly changed how I approach my life. At first, I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. If it was good enough for Oprah, then maybe there was something to it…

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2 years ago

What Color Is Your Retirement Parachute? Thoughtful Reflection Will Make The Journey Easier

By 2014, I was ready to move on from my demanding school counseling career. Since they called that “retirement,” retiring was the end game. Although I was anxious to cut that career cord, my husband and I weren’t ready for me to retire…

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2 years ago

Retirement 101: Which of the 4 Rs of Retirement Sounds Easiest for a Mature Woman to Embrace?

Retirement takes a lot of us by surprise. After traveling a couple of years down the path of my own retirement – and having many conversations with other women – I’m more convinced than ever that retirement holds a lot of unknowns…

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2 years ago

How to Navigate the New Year One Step at a Time

Like many people, I select a one-word intention at the start of a new year. It’s gentler than a resolution and more akin to a promise. I watch for opportunities to put it into practice, and I use it as a barometer to make decisions…

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2 years ago

Are You Hosting Others This Holiday Season? Here Are 3 Ways to Create a Little Comfort and Joy for Yourself

After a couple of years spent quietly observing the holiday season, many of us are gearing up for joyful reunions and higher levels of interaction. We’re opening our homes, setting our tables, and welcoming our loved ones…

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2 years ago

What Are You Yearning for in Life After Retirement?

In a previous article I addressed three things about retirement that can take us by surprise. The next topic worth examining, as you consider your life during retirement, is a simple question that’s loaded with possibility: What are you yearning for?

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2 years ago

4 Tips for Easing into Retirement

We navigate change all of the time because change is constant. Fortunately, we’ve also developed coping skills that make transitions easier. Retirement is a major life change that more and more of us are facing, either by default or by design…

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2 years ago

3 Ways Retirement Can Take You by Surprise

Every life transition has both peaks and valleys. We become excited about new possibilities, yet we can’t avoid the shadows. Transitioning into retirement isn’t any different. It’s a glorious and fun-filled time of life. And it has a darker side…

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2 years ago

How Our Relationship with Time Changes During Retirement

Before I retired, I was a great time manager. I’d transition to a new activity at 9:16AM then to another one at 10:12AM and so on throughout the day. Bells would ring, bracketing precise pockets of time, neatly managed. Such was working life in a public school…

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2 years ago

Moving from Retirement Perceptions to Retirement Realities: 3 Tips for an Easier Journey

We’ve seen the brochures. You know the ones – smiling, gray-haired couples are playing tennis, having dinner on a patio, toasting during a midnight sail. Celebrating The Perfect Retirement.  But is the entire retired world lounging at the golf course 24/7?

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