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Linda Ward is a Writer and Life Coach living in Minnesota. She specializes in helping mature women find everyday happiness and a satisfying life. She zeroes in on life after divorce, retirement transitions, and finding courage no matter what the circumstances. Her inspiring new eBook is called, Crazy Simple Steps to Feeling Happier. Linda’s Professional background is Social Work and Counseling.

Latest Posts By Linda Ward

3 years ago

Life Lessons from an 8-Year-Old Cat

Burt is an anxiety ridden cat. He didn’t start out that way. He was a small puff of gray fur that cuddled into my warm embrace. I remember his little cat body jumping on my son’s vinyl record player and taking a spin round and round.

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3 years ago

How Moral Elevation Can Replace Negative Feelings with Hope, Love, and Optimism

The phrase “moral elevation” captured my interest. What does it mean? I know what each word means individually, but I didn’t know this term meant the viewing of acts of kindness sets off a positive physical reaction in the viewer…

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3 years ago

Visual Dreaming for a Better 2022

This is the time of year that I take out my magazines, gather my markers and glue, and begin to think about what I want in the New Year. For at least 5 years, I’ve been hosting a Vision Board Party for four or five of my girlfriends…

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3 years ago

My Adult Children Cut Me Out of Their Life

I have three wonderful moms in my immediate circle of friends who have been ghosted by their children. defines ghosting as “the practice of suddenly ending all contact with a person without explanation.” The extreme…

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3 years ago

Painfully Blue Christmas: Acknowledging Pain This Holiday

When you hear the words Blue Christmas, you may think of the Elvis Presley Christmas Album. I’ve always thought of that ballad being directed toward a breakup. When he sings, “you’ll be doing alright with your Christmas of white…

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3 years ago

The Ripple Effect of Every Kind and Cruel Act

I live in Minneapolis, where there have been many cruel acts since George Floyd was murdered at the knee of a policeman. This tragic event caused a ripple effect that my city is reeling over. Violence, carjacking, and much more have taken place since that event…

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3 years ago

Belly Fat and Clutter – Are They Related?

Clutter is a constant in our lives. Just walking in from the mailbox brings a fresh stack of it. I was surprised to find that clutter affects women most. But then again, knowing how my husband can overlook a cluttered entry way, maybe not too surprised…

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3 years ago

5 Great Reasons to Enlist the Help of a Life Coach After 60

Ok, I’m 60 plus and have lived through raising kids, a divorce, handling money when there wasn’t much, feeling down after moving out of state, buying, and selling real estate – the list goes on! It’s like we’ve lived several lives in this one life. We have felt defeat…

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3 years ago

Why Is Feeling Stuck So Comfortable?

I want to change some habits, but then again, I don’t. I set out to change my exercise routine many times over the years. I have the best of intentions. I try getting up early, walking when the weather is nice, lifting a few weights throughout the day…

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3 years ago

Thoughts of Winter 2021 Give Me PTSD! How I’m Planning to PREPARE for the Months Ahead

As the daylight begins to shorten and the evenings have a crisper feel to the air, I realize I have some symptoms of PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Winter is coming, and Covid-19 variants are now looming to threaten our ability to get out and about…

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