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Linda Ward is a Writer and Life Coach living in Minnesota. She specializes in helping mature women find everyday happiness and a satisfying life. She zeroes in on life after divorce, retirement transitions, and finding courage no matter what the circumstances. Her inspiring new eBook is called, Crazy Simple Steps to Feeling Happier. Linda’s Professional background is Social Work and Counseling.

Latest Posts By Linda Ward

5 months ago

Live Each Day Like It Is Your First

At age 21, Suleika Jaouad was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer, with doctors giving her a 35% chance of surviving. As a writer, and having survived her odds, she then went on to write her inspiring memoir, Between Two Kingdoms. Suleika is also…

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6 months ago

Parenting Adult Children Can Be Agony

Remember when you first held your newborn? The love that flooded your heart in that incredibly intense moment is wordless to describe. It washes over you and fills your whole being. That love sustains me as a parent. Love is the guide…

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6 months ago

Find Empowerment by Stepping Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Lately, some of my friends have been saying this old adage, “Time is short.” When we step forward into another birthday, we know this. I’ve noticed that as my birthday numbers increase, I feel safer saying no to opportunities that require effort or are slightly…

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7 months ago

Warning: Your First Thought of the Day Is Trying to Ruin You

Have you paid any attention to the very first thought you have upon waking? For months after a tumultuous divorce, my first thought was, “I hate my life.” Anyone else thinking that today? I knew at the time it wasn’t the best idea to give the thought…

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7 months ago

Is Everyday Happiness Like Your Favorite Pair of Jeans?

When you reach for your pair of everyday jeans, what are they like? Mine are soft and feel lived in. I love this comfy go to pair because when I slip into them, I know I’m home. Yes, they are commonplace, nothing special about them anymore…

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9 months ago

Moving Forward Toward Goals in 2024 Takes Guts

Do you find it easier in retirement to sit back, not ruffle any feathers, be ok with the status quo? This can be in your work, your relationships or in the day-to-day energy needed for any accomplishment. To complete a goal, we need courage…

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9 months ago

Let’s Change the Bad Rap of New Year’s Resolutions

Starting the new year is a perfect time to re-evaluate, have a fresh look at your life, and begin a few new ways. Some people feel the urge to start things over on their birthday, or the beginning of a new year of marriage. At work the urge is triggered by year end…

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10 months ago

Consider Tackling Just One Goal in 2024

Have you ever started the year with a sizable list of goals to complete by the next time the ball drops in Time Square? Goals are great. They are hard work and take repetition. If you don’t have a goal, you tend to live life haphazardly…

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11 months ago

My Amazing Do-Not-Do List: NOT Doing These 5 Things Is a Recipe for Everyday Happiness

Do you have a To Do list or a honey do list? Writing things down that need to be done is a good way to keep them front and center in your thinking. It’s rewarding and gives a sense of accomplishment to check off the things as they are completed…

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1 year ago

If Not Now, When? Or How to Accomplish Our Dreams

This little phrase can help you in the smallest tasks throughout your day, or in very large decisions that will affect your future. What is it that you are wondering about doing today, or wishing you were on the other side of?

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