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Kathleen is on a mission to challenge “the heck” out of aging. She earned her Master's at 60, joined the Peace Corps at 63, and now travels the US with her trailer in tow. Her passion: motivating people over 60 to live a purposeful second half of their lives and reframe how they view aging.

Latest Posts By Kathleen Sinclair

2 years ago

5 Things I Do to Change Negative Self-Chatter – You Can Try Them Too!

Self-talk or chatter is a tricky thing. There are so many layers to what we think and say, how we treat people, and how we treat ourselves. Did you know that every single day, we speak 7,000 words out loud, on average? The real question is, how many…

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3 years ago

No Money for Gifts? Be Mindful Instead

The holidays always seem to come around when thy bank account is low. It never fails, extra bills make their way into my mailbox around November. I’m not claiming this from a negative position, I’m actually a fairly positive human being…

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3 years ago

6 Tips on How to Get Back to Traveling NOW

It’s either spring or fall in your part of the world, a perfect time to get out there, stretch your legs and your imaginations again. Yes, there are changes in the way we can travel now but with some simple tips it is definitely a go…

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4 years ago

5 Ways to Find Calm in These Uncertain Times

Panic, anxiety, fear… these are feelings that can surface when unsettled or uncertain. Uncertainty can come on with or without notice, and it can cause you to jump to conclusions and often assume the worst. With technology taking over…

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4 years ago

5 Ways to Embrace Living Alone

Some of us choose to live alone and others are faced with it due to circumstances such as death of a spouse or partner. It’s what we do after we live alone that matters, and I am going to share 5 ways to get the most out of this situation…

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