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Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D., CFP®, wrote the award-winning book, Moving Forward on Your Own: A Financial Guidebook for Widows. She owned Rehl Financial Advisors for 18 years before an encore career empowering widows. Now “reFired,” Rehl writes legacy stories and assists nonprofits. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Kiplinger’s, CNBC, and more. She’s adjunct faculty at The American College of Financial Services.

Latest Posts By Kathleen M. Rehl

2 years ago

5 Big Money Mistakes that Widows Make and How to Avoid Them!

I’m a member of the club women hate to join — the Widows Club. When my husband died, it felt like a big part of me died, too. I lost the love of my life and the dreams we shared for our future. All gone in an instant and right…

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2 years ago

Jane Fonda and I Happily Agree About Drinking After 60

We’ve said goodbye to Jane Fonda’s long-running series, Grace and Frankie. In character, she often held an ice-cold martini. However, in a recent interview with CBS News about the show’s last season, Fonda said she stopped drinking in real life at age 84…

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3 years ago

Thoughts After My 75th Birthday!

Recently I celebrated my 75th birthday. What fun to receive many phone calls, texts, emails, cards, and social media comments! That included fragrant flowers and meaningful message from my Honey… plus an original art card created by my daughter-in-law and son.

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3 years ago

Two Ways I Found Later Life Love

As I looked out at my smiling family, in our lush backyard summer gardens on that sunny August day, I whispered to myself, “I never imagined this.” Not in my craziest dreams did I ever expect to be a septuagenarian bride, exchanging wedding vows beside my Charlie…

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3 years ago

How we Hosted “Camp Grandma & Grandpa” During the Pandemic

The best benefit of “Camp Grandma & Grandpa” for us during last summer’s pandemic peak was precious time with our grandsons and their parents. We never shared this many weeks together with them since their own childhood… and they probably…

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3 years ago

What Money Personality Type Are You? Spender, Idealist, Star, Avoider or Something Else?

Your money style, whatever it may be, can be helpful, but it can also block your progress. Oftentimes we cling to beliefs about money without even thinking about why we hold them…

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3 years ago

Does Your Mother’s Legacy Shape Your Own?

The Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines legacy as “something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor from the past.” It’s common to hear about legacies “living on” today when they continue to affect those in the present…

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4 years ago

Financial Advice for Widows: What to Do Before You Remarry

Many years ago, when a woman’s husband died, she went into mourning – sometimes wearing black “widow’s weeds” for a year or more. Generally, she remained alone after that year or perhaps moved into an adult child’s home. That was the case with my…

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4 years ago

Try Something New: Write a Poem and Stretch Your Brain

A couple of years ago, I began penning poetry. My life was moving in new directions, and I wanted to express myself differently than with the prose style approach I mainly used before. I enjoyed reading poetry, so I decided to try…

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4 years ago

Never Say “Never” When It Comes to Finding Love After a Loss

The death of my husband more than a decade ago was the toughest experience of my life. I had turned 60 just a month before his passing. I fully expected that at my age and stage of life, I should and would be content with my professional work…

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