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Joanie Marx is a three-time bestselling author and the creator of the new, groundbreaking Refocus & Renew Your Life® online course series on Udemy. She is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, with a degree in Psychology, and a leading authority on refocusing and renewing your life.

Latest Posts By Joanie Marx

1 year ago

Are You Keeping Your Desires Secret?

When was the last time you felt excited to share one or more of your innermost desires with someone but instead chose to remain silent? Perhaps you didn’t feel they would support you. Maybe you’re allowing the desire to take shape so you feel clearer…

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1 year ago

How to Dump Outdated Stories After 60

From time to time, all of us glance in the rearview mirror of our past. Whatever the reason we find ourselves looking into the past, it’s usually prompted by a desire to improve the quality of our life in the present…

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1 year ago

6 Steps to Total Freedom After 60

When you crossed the threshold of 60, you arrived at a truly remarkable moment in your life. Being 60 and over is worthy of a celebration because it is the gift of total freedom. Where does this level of freedom come from? And how can you access…

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1 year ago

The Art of Successful Aging After 60

What is the defining characteristic of a trailblazer? As you ponder your answer, consider how it relates to our generation, as a whole. At each stage of our lives, there has been quite a bit written about how Baby Boomers rewrote the rule book…

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1 year ago

A Path to Where the Life of Your Dreams Lives

When you blaze a new path for yourself after 60, you are charting a course to where the life of your dreams lives. How do you go about this in a way that is practical, accessible, and fun? By changing your perspective of what you believe is possible for yourself…

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1 year ago

Top 10 Benefits of Going Inward After 60

When was the last time you slowed down and went inward? Of all the things we can do to love more of ourselves, there is truly nothing more valuable or important than going inward. If this is true, and I believe it is, why is going inward…

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1 year ago

What Does Being a Trailblazer After 60 Mean to You?

Who or what is a trailblazer? Is it someone who takes inspired action on new opportunities before anyone else? Or is a trailblazer someone who paves a new path to love, happiness, and fulfillment by not conforming to what others say they can be or do after 60?

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1 year ago

4 Steps to Blaze a New Path for Yourself After 60

We all desire a smooth and fulfilling life path after 60. But what if living the life you desire requires you to become a trailblazer? And what does being a trailblazer after 60 even mean? In this new, five-part series for Sixty and Me readers, we are going…

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1 year ago

15 Easy Ways to Start a Self-Care Routine After 60

Taking responsibility for your well-being means taking responsibility for distractions that appear to keep you from starting and sustaining a self-care routine for your body. It’s very easy to blame outside conditions or people for getting in the way…

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1 year ago

The #1 Thing to Do to Start a Self-Care Routine After 60

There is one thing you take with you everywhere you go. Your body. It stands to reason, then, that having a self-care routine for your body after 60 should be your number one priority…

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