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Joanie Marx is a three-time bestselling author and the creator of the new, groundbreaking Refocus & Renew Your Life® online course series on Udemy. She is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, with a degree in Psychology, and a leading authority on refocusing and renewing your life.

Latest Posts By Joanie Marx

2 months ago

7 Challenges of Being Enough After 60

Throughout life, each of us faces challenges about feeling loved, happy, and fulfilled. Perhaps no challenge is more prevalent for those of us over 60 than the feeling of not being enough. There are a host of reasons we may feel we are not enough as we age…

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2 months ago

10 Steps to Build Your Self-Esteem After 60

Life after 60 is a beautiful and vibrant time. However, there are numerous emotional highs and lows many people over 60 face. Is there a proven and effective way to balance your sense of well-being and love more of who you are in the face of life’s ebbs and flows?

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3 months ago

Top 10 Benefits of Self-Esteem After 60

How often do you find yourself being self-critical of your looks, health, finances, and your overall life? Perhaps the way in which you view yourself negatively has become so routine you don’t look at it as being critical. Instead of considering it demeaning…

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3 months ago

10 Ways to Set Healthy Boundaries After 60

Establishing healthy boundaries in your life protects your mental and emotional well-being. From saying no to commitments that overwhelm you or drain your energy to saying yes more often to what makes your heart sing, healthy boundaries can prevent…

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3 months ago

7 Benefits of Setting Healthy Boundaries After 60

Have you ever experienced situations in your life where you felt your boundaries were crossed or compromised? If so, do you remember what emotions those experiences evoked and how they shaped your relationship with yourself and others moving forward…

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4 months ago

8 Steps for Decluttering Your Mind

Spring cleaning has been viewed as a tradition and ritual for thousands of years, with the earliest roots found in Jewish, Middle Eastern and Chinese cultures. For these cultures, and now here in the United States, spring cleaning corresponds…

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4 months ago

#1 Thing to Welcome New Changes into Your Life

Crossing the 60 and over threshold means different things to each of us. One thing we can all agree on is that when we enter this beautiful stage of our lives, resisting change is no longer an option. We all know that change is the immutable law of nature…

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4 months ago

Journaling Your Way to Self-Love (VIDEO)

When was the last time you wrote yourself a love letter? When was the last time you lovingly looked upon yourself in a mirror and spoke positively to yourself? For some, the answer could be as recent as this morning. For many women over 60…

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5 months ago

7 Essential Practices of Self-Love (VIDEO)

We all want more love in our lives. But what are we prepared to let go of to make room for the love we seek? To answer that question, we will want to reframe how we perceive self-love. For it is through a new understanding of what self-love…

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5 months ago

How to Overcome 10 Challenges to Loving More of Yourself

Love is in the air. From movies, articles, gifts, and restaurants to our own thoughts, everywhere we turn in the month of February, we are reminded of love. For many people over 60, however, Valentine’s Day is a painful reminder of love lost…

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