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Jessica Hegg is the content manager at Avid gym-rat and nutrition enthusiast, she’s interested in all things related to staying active and living a healthy lifestyle. Through her writing, she works to share valuable information aimed at overcoming obstacles and improving the quality of life for others. You can find her on Twitter @Jessica_Hegg.

Latest Posts By Jessica Hegg

3 years ago

6 Easy Things You Can Do to Age-Proof Your Joints

While it might not be impossible to avoid age-related aches and pains in your joints, that doesn’t mean you have to suffer. In fact, even if you have arthritis you can still improve your joint health…

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3 years ago

6 Tips for Preventing Arthritis Pain in Cold Weather

While a cool brisk morning might signal an exciting change in seasons, for older adults who suffer from arthritis it can also lead to painful joint stiffness and inflammation. Why does colder weather seem to amplify aches and pains? Research suggests it’s…

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3 years ago

Don’t Ignore Your Posture! 5 Ways to Get Your Healthy Back Back

Especially in your 60s, with the weight of becoming a ‘senior’ bearing down a life of working and raising a family at a plateau, your back can buckle under the pressure. Bad posture doesn’t just simply look bad, though…

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3 years ago

4 Fall Fitness Tips for Older Women: How to Stay Fit (and Safe!) This Autumn

While in some parts of the country it feels like summer simply won’t let up, in other parts the cooler temperatures are really starting to set in. As you make adventurous plans to exercise outdoors this fall, whether it’s hiking, cycling, jogging, you name it…

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3 years ago

Forest Bathing – A Unique Way to Boost Your Health in Your 60s and Beyond

Hiking in the woods isn’t just a great way to stay fit. It can also help your emotional and mental health. While just spending some time out in nature can be great for you, you can go a step further and practice the Shinrin-Yoku – the Japanese forest bathing therapy…

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3 years ago

Have a Safe Spring! Important Spring Health and Safety Reminders for Seniors

What’s on your spring cleaning list? Organizing the pantry? Putting together a big donation of gently used clothes? When it comes to refreshing your environment (and life) this spring, don’t forget these important health and safety reminders…

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4 years ago

5 Undercover Sources of Stress… and What to Do About Them!

Oftentimes our bodies can physically manifest feelings of stress and anxiety before we even realize that is what’s happening – upset stomach, headaches, increased blood pressure, tense muscles and back aches. It’s not pretty…

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4 years ago

How to Organize Your Medicine Cabinet for Safety and Convenience

If one of your New Year’s intentions is to get more organized, one place you might be thinking of starting is your medicine cabinet. Often, a discombobulated mess of expired medicines, old prescriptions and a scattered array of Band-Aids…

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4 years ago

3 Fun Ways to Stay Active After 60 (That You Might Not Have Thought Of)

When it comes to staying active and getting exercise, it’s so easy to tap into your go-to list of low-impact activities like yoga, cycling, tennis, dancing, swimming, golfing and hiking. Read More

4 years ago

Take a Seat and Try These 10 Physical Activity Ideas for Older Adults with Mobility Limitations

Don’t let a physical ailment or chronic condition keep you or a loved one you care for from getting health-boosting exercise! If you are unable to stand or walk for long periods of time…

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