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Jessica Hegg is the content manager at Avid gym-rat and nutrition enthusiast, she’s interested in all things related to staying active and living a healthy lifestyle. Through her writing, she works to share valuable information aimed at overcoming obstacles and improving the quality of life for others. You can find her on Twitter @Jessica_Hegg.

Latest Posts By Jessica Hegg

5 months ago

4 Great Reasons to Find a Workout Partner After 60

Workout partners, whether they’re your spouse or a friend, serve as a physical and mental cue to stick with it and have fun! Check out these 4 reasons why finding a workout partner could be one of the best things you do for your health…

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6 months ago

Ready for a Hike? Check Out These 5 Tips for Active Seniors

As the temperatures start to climb, more and more people head outdoors to enjoy the sunshine and get some exercise. One of the most popular activities among senior citizens is hiking…

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7 months ago

How to Relieve the Woes of Back Pain with 4 Exercises (and 3 Mistakes You Should Never Make)

Back pain tends to be one of the most common issues people over 60 face, and it’s due to the degeneration of joints in the spine. Some of the most common causes…

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8 months ago

An Injury Doesn’t Need to Render You Helpless – Learn How to Recover

Even when you’re younger, it can take weeks or even months to recover from a serious injury. As we age, our body doesn’t heal itself like it used to. In fact, many seniors may never recover to 100 percent due to more brittle bones and pre-existing…

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8 months ago

Experiencing Cold Feet After 60? 8 Possible Causes and 3 Ways to Remedy the Situation

If you are running through your entire stock of cozy winter socks every week, you might be wondering if there is something more you can do to keep your feet warm. While chronically cold feet can indicate your footwear simply isn’t up to par, it can also reflect…

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10 months ago

Don’t Hibernate! Here’s How Boomer Women Can Stay Active in the Winter Months

The cold chill during these beautiful autumn days signal the coming of winter. You’re probably winter proofing your home and slowly rotating in your chunky sweaters and heavy coats so that when that first snow hits, you’re ready…

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1 year ago

The 5 Most Common Senior Micronutrient Deficiencies

You might be surprised to learn that even in developed countries like the United States malnutrition is a serious problem. It’s especially prevalent among senior citizens. In fact, one in three older adults who are admitted to the hospital are malnourished…

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2 years ago

Love Getting Out Into Nature? Here Are 5 Ways to Upgrade Your Next Hike

Are dark cold winter days leaving you feeling cooped up inside your own home? While it might feel ‘off season,’ hiking during the winter actually offers you loads of physical and mental health benefits and best of all, gets you out of the house!

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2 years ago

8 Holiday Health and Fitness Tricks That Aging Women Can Put to Use

In the season of holiday cheer, most of us want to relax, grab a book, and cuddle near the fireplace. This is the perfect occasion to put exercise on the backburner and instead devote our time to cooking or visiting family…

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2 years ago

Family Caregiver Ideas – 5 Ways to Boost Your Loved One’s Spirit

Are you a caregiver for an aging parent? While seniors in their 70s, 80s and 90s are being encouraged more than ever to stay active, get out and enjoy life, the stark reality is that many experience stress and anxiety over health…

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