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Ilene Marcus, MSW, MPA, is the author of Managing Annoying People and runs Aligned Workplace, speaking and training Leaders and Founders to attract and retain great employees. An emerging literary writer, her goal is to make you smile just a bit more. Please visit her website at

Latest Posts By Ilene Marcus

2 years ago

5 Considerations When Our Friends Drive Us Crazy

We love our friends. We really do. But even as I practice channeling acceptance, meditating, Zen breathing, and openness to the universe, I get irritated. It’s not about accepting them. I do. It’s not about judgement. I don’t judge…

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2 years ago

The 4-Step Secret Formula for Creating a Powerful Second Act

Is there a second act in you? Perhaps even a third? At this age, we all know that the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result…”

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3 years ago

Want to Get More from Life? Stop Pushing and Start Pulling!

Do you remember the pushmi-pullyu from the original Dr. Doolittle (1967) with Rex Harrison? I’ve always wondered why it never became an icon…

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3 years ago

Let’s Shamelessly Explore the Art of Doing Nothing (VIDEO)

I am actively studying “the art of doing nothing.” It is an art. A wise friend said to me, “Do something, just sit there.” Do you know how hard it is, to do nothing? To just sit there? No reaction. No action. No thoughts. No plan. Just be. Just rest…?

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3 years ago

Changing Direction After 60: Always Have an Escape Plan!

I attended Columbia Business School for one week in 1983. I learned all I needed to know. Always have an escape plan. It’s an important lesson, especially as we move into a phase of life where every moment counts. We want to choose our path and not have it…

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4 years ago

The Power of Rediscovering Childhood Friends After 60

It took me 50 years to discover the power of a childhood friend. It all started when I was shipped off to sleep away camp in the summer of 1969 and met Betsy Brown. By 1975 we were already too old for camp. Would we still be friends…

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4 years ago

6 Reasons to Love Face Masks – Besides the Obvious

There’s nothing like a pandemic to show the cracks in the veneer. Where things can break down. What does not work. And yet I am the eternal optimist. I like to find that silver lining. The lesson, the takeaway, the surprise…

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5 years ago

3 Ways to Reconcile Your Own Childhood in Your Role as a Mother

Nothing surpasses motherhood. Of all the feelings, emotions and do-overs I would like in my life, my relationship with myself vis-a-vis my daughter is at the top of the list. Read More

7 years ago

Get What You Want More Often with These 2 Secret Phrases

I am no stranger to problematic situations. Even as I grow older and wiser, I still get flustered. This is evidenced by my recent refrigerator delivery. Or let me restate that, my scheduled refrigerator delivery. Three and a half hours into the delivery window, no fridge had been delivered. When I called the store…

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7 years ago

What My Search for the Perfect Coffee Taught Me About Finding Balance

I had the chance to visit the original Starbucks on Pike Place in Seattle. It looks nothing like the chain I have come to rely upon. Yet the formula is the same. My drip coffee is filled to the brim. I have to pour out coffee to make “room.” (Yes, I’m one of those – a little coffee in my cream, please.) Read More