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Fran Braga Meininger writes personal narratives about the years beyond youth, a time in a woman’s life that can be vibrant, fulfilling, and wonderful, despite – or perhaps because of – all that comes with age. She lives in northern California where she hikes, bikes and lives life in big bites. You can visit her website at

Latest Posts By Fran Braga Meininger

7 months ago

Living with Digestive Issues and Still Having a Social Life

It’s not easy living with digestive issues, food allergies, or intestinal conditions – waking up each morning wondering if what we ate yesterday will impact today; never knowing when and how our bodies will react to food, even food that is usually safe to enjoy…

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8 months ago

The Emotional Benefits of Pen Pal-ing

I remember passing notes to my bestie in grade school and waiting with exhilaration for her return message. It was all great fun even though we were sitting just a few rows apart in the same classroom and would spend our entire recess engrossed…

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9 months ago

Try Switching from Resolutions to I Want More of This! Lists and Watch What Happens

I’m not sure of the origin of the New Year’s resolution or how successfully this “tool” motivates others, but I do know the thought of it makes me bristle. Resolutions have always felt disciplinary and regulatory, and the idea of deprivation or denial…

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9 months ago

Being a Full Partner in Your Medical Decisions

I remember as a small child accompanying my mother to doctor’s appointments. Specifically, I remember sitting quietly listening and watching as the doctor lectured her about her weight, prescribing treatments, tests and regimens for her to follow…

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1 year ago

We Need to Talk About Female Hair Loss

The first thing I noticed about Rachel was not the absence of hair on her head, nor the dramatic tattoo prominently placed just behind her right ear, it was a quick and brilliant smile, an effervescent energy and a peaceful confidence…

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1 year ago

Growing Older the Way I Was When I Was Young Is Just Too Damn Hard

I’ve always been a high energy, hyperactive, super vigilant, take charge, independent woman. The difference is, now I’m also an aging woman, and that one undeniable fact has recently caused me to rethink how I approach life…

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1 year ago

Being an Older Person a Young Person Wants to Be Around

I work a few days a week as a professional chef and, at 66, I am the same age as many of my young co-workers’ grandmothers. It’s challenging sometimes, but mostly it’s fun, invigorating and keeps me feeling and acting younger…

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1 year ago

What’s My Passion? Exploring New Ideas and Finding Your Spark

I’ve signed up for a motivational workshop with Matthew McConaughey. No, I’m not embarrassed to say so. I find him charming, engaging and a good model of how to embrace life with exuberance and focus. In preparation…

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1 year ago

Do You Know How to Bloom Where You’re Planted? These 7 Steps Will Get You on the Right Track!

As life goes on over time, we change; everyone does. Sometimes we drift off course, caught up in a tide of circumstances that turn our world into something different than we anticipated. It happens, often, and the women I know are experiencing…

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2 years ago

The Dreaded High School Reunion and the 5 Things I Discovered Preparing for Mine

I graduated in 1973 from a small Catholic high school. I was young for my age, ill prepared to be rubbing elbows with girls who drove Jaguars and brand new Camaros to school, had streets named after their fathers and felt little to no use for me…

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