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Elise Christian works at Rest Less UK: a place dedicated to inspiring and empowering people over 50 to make the most of the next chapter of their lives. You can find her on

Latest Posts By Elise Christian

2 years ago

5 Ways to Embrace a New Life Chapter

Change can be daunting – and it can happen when we want it to or when we least expect it. But one thing that remains constant is that change is inevitable. It can be difficult to accept change because it can force us outside of our comfort zone…

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2 years ago

Why Redundancy Can Be a Blessing in Disguise

Being made redundant can be difficult financially and emotionally. Some people may experience feelings of grief and loss, and worry about where to turn next. It’s also normal to feel a loss of control, which can be unsettling…

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3 years ago

6 Tips for Tackling Winter Blues

The seasons can have a bigger impact on our mental health than we may realise. So, if you’ve found yourself struggling with a low mood and lack of motivation since the nights have started drawing in, then you’re certainly not alone…

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3 years ago

3 Tips to Help You Silence Your Inner Critic and Start Believing in Yourself

Being our own worst enemy is something that we’ve all been guilty of from time to time. Perhaps you’ve put off applying for a job role because you believe you aren’t good enough. Or maybe you’ve avoided going to social events due to fear…

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3 years ago

6 Ways to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone and Encourage Personal Growth

A comfort zone is a safe, familiar place where risk and fear of the unknown are minimised. It’s easy to become comfortable enough in this secure zone that taking steps outside of it can feel daunting and might initially bring on feelings of fear or anxiety…

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4 years ago

4 Ways to Find Inspiration During Difficult Times

The past year has taken its toll on our mental and physical health – as well as affecting our relationships and our finances. This has left the majority of us hoping for clear signs that 2021 will be the year when we’ll finally see the light at the end…

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4 years ago

Finding Ways to Express Yourself in the Current Climate

Our current climate is unsettling and is bringing out a range of emotions in many of us. Perhaps you’re dealing with cabin fever and feelings of frustration as a result of not being able to get out much under government regulations…

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4 years ago

Over 60 and Looking for a Job? Make Sure Your CV Beats the Algorithms

Looking for a job can be difficult at the best of times, let alone in the middle of a pandemic. The spread of Covid-19 and the resulting lockdown have created a great deal of instability in the jobs market. Redundancies are…

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4 years ago

What Are the Health Benefits of Owning a Pet Over 60?

The unique bond between human and animal can be incredibly strong, and while we take care of our pets, they often take care of us too! Pets are comfort us when we’re sad, keep us company when we’re lonely, and love us unconditionally…

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4 years ago

Learn a New Skill During Lockdown! 5 Skills You Can Learn from Home

Although government guidelines are starting to ease, social distancing is still very much in place and many of us are still spending much more time at home than we usually would. Most of us have dreamt about one day having…

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