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Founder of Second Wind Movement, Cyn Meyer offers education + coaching to help seniors transition into amazing next chapters and age successfully in place. She helps them live out active, healthy, happy "retirement" years, so they can better evade depression, loneliness, Alzheimer's and nursing home occupancy.

Latest Posts By Cyn Meyer

3 years ago

4 Amazing Benefits of Music for Older Adults

Music is a fantastic elixir for the soul and a powerful force in our lives. It has always been part of my story from when I was a kid playing the violin in retirement homes. And I’m sure you know very well firsthand how music can brighten your life…

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4 years ago

The 5 Rings of Retirement Can Bring Back Your Spark

I’ve been hearing a lot lately about people feeling unmotivated and trapped, and like they’re in a holding pattern. Yes, the pandemic is a big contributor – but there’s more to the story. Being stuck at home is also a time where certain ideas…

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4 years ago

3 Simple Ways to Declutter Your Home

If you look around your home, and don’t feel like a minimalist, you’re not alone. In fact, 54% of people are overwhelmed by the amount of clutter they have, and, sadly, a staggering 78% have no idea what to do with it…

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4 years ago

How and Why You Need to Start Micro-Stepping Today

If you’re a procrastinator, you are so not alone. The reason being, you were designed to procrastinate. You know that sense of stress, fear, or anxiety you feel when you do something new or challenging? Or maybe it comes…

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4 years ago

4 Key Ingredients for Successful Aging

Wikipedia defines successful aging as “physical, mental and social well-being in older age.” The authors of Successful Aging: The MacArthur Foundation Study, John Rowe, MD, and Robert Kahn, PhD, define it as “the cross-section between three components.” Read More

4 years ago

3 Hacks to Finish Your Unfinished Projects

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that it’s a universal issue to have a list of ambitious interests, projects, and goals in your head that you want to complete. But, if you’re like most humans, your unfinished projects likely stay…

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4 years ago

3 Ways You Can Choose to Modify Your Home So You Can Age in Place

While spending more time at home doesn’t seem very exciting at the moment given our pandemic, aging in place is still a popular goal…

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5 years ago

3 Ways to Avoid an Unhealthy Retirement Lifestyle

These days, there’s a stigma that older people are considered boring. It’s no wonder, too, with seniors averaging 47 hours and 13 minutes of watching television every week…

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5 years ago

5 Ways to Experience a Fulfilled Life in a Senior Living Community

Contrary to what you might imagine, life in a senior living community can be robust and exciting. In fact, a Holleran Consulting survey of 57,900 respondents revealed that nearly 90% of senior living residents rated their overall satisfaction as good…

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5 years ago

How Adventurous Can You Be After 60? 4 Things You Never Thought You Could Do!

You’re sitting there, staring blankly ahead and thinking to yourself… Where do I go from here? Your so-called retirement years can either be a true sense of the phrase “golden years” or, sadly, the stereotypical boring bust…

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