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Search Results for: relationships

3 Phrases You Can Use to Form Strong Relationships After 60

By Michele Meier Vosberg May 01, 2024

Research is clear that if we want to stay healthy and to thrive we need to develop and maintain strong relationships. According to the Mayo Clinic, adults with strong relationships live longer than their peers who have less vital relationships…

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Money and Remarriage: How to Navigate Divided Loyalties and Shadows from Previous Relationships

By Jennifer Thompson February 17, 2024

If you thought dealing with money issues can be tricky in a marriage, it’s way more difficult in a remarriage. In a marriage, you have two people from different backgrounds with different approaches to money…

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Building and Maintaining Emotional Intimacy in Relationships After 60

By Kurt Smith January 09, 2024

You might think that after years together you’ll have built a deep emotional intimacy that bonds you and provides profound satisfaction for you and your partner. You may think that, but you’d be wrong in many cases…

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3 Tips for Navigating Complicated Relationships on This Side of 50

By Leslie Moon October 26, 2023

As I write this article, I find myself in a phase of life where I am 61 years old and very suddenly having to supervise care for my mom who just turned 85. This situation is further complicated by the fact that our relationship has not been the most fabulous…

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How Can You Make Long-Distance Relationships Last?

By Michele Burghardt September 18, 2023

Are you scared to date someone long-distance because you believe distance is the beginning of the end of any relationship? Do you refuse to date men unless they live within a certain geographic radius from your home? To date or not-to-date…

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Rekindling Family Relationships and Friendships, Can We Do It?

By Barbara Lewis August 10, 2023

Some years ago, when my mother flew alone across Canada to visit with me, I was desperate to find a way to rekindle our former deep emotional connection. Since she had remarried several years earlier, I felt that I had lost some of our precious bond…

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How Emotional Intimacy Adds Meaning to Your Relationships After 60

By Kay Arthur August 06, 2023

What is the key to a meaningful relationship? Not just the one you have with your husband, lover, or partner, but any relationship. As we get older, our life journey becomes shorter and time becomes more precious. The answer…

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All of Life Revolves Around Sacred Relationships

By T. Kari Mitchell June 23, 2023

I’m currently enrolled in a program to earn my spiritual practitioner’s license. My intention is to show others how to live richer, more fulfilling lives. Over the past few months, I’ve experienced a slight shift in consciousness…

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“But I Thought We Were Friends” – Good Boundaries Make for Good Relationships

By Valarie Cascadden May 16, 2023

I’ll bet you’ve heard this plea a number of times in your life. In fact, I bet that you’ve heard it recently, even though you are in the “senior” part of your life. Of course, not everyone uses these exact words. But, have you heard something close to one…

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Can You Keep Old Relationships from Ruining New Ones?

By Donna Marie Todd April 04, 2023

By the time you’re over 60, you’ve had at least one, maybe more, significant love relationships. If you’re reading this article, chances are good that you’re single now. It’s a fact: Love brings both good and bad to our lives. Being in love is the most exciting feeling…

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