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Search Results for: relationships

4 Things I Learned About Relationships from My Characters

By Shirley Goldberg February 28, 2021

When I started guest blogging for Sixty and Me, I had no clue two of my main characters would beg to join me. But Sunny Chanel (Middle Ageish) and Dana Narvana (Eat Your Heart Out) insisted. Besides, I have a secret…

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How My Relationships Have Changed During the Pandemic

By Leslie Moon August 21, 2020

I woke up that fateful day in March to a panicked group of parents and co-workers. I work with kids on the autism spectrum and at 4 o’clock that morning, our county schools suddenly made the decision to close for two weeks…

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How the Golden Rule Can Help Us Build Healthy Relationships and Live Well with Others

By Annamarie Pluhar March 08, 2017

Harriet heard the front door open and the jangle of keys. From the sounds, she recognized that it was her housemate, Mary. Mary came into the kitchen where Harriet was putting together a salad. A pot of soup simmered on the stove. Mary said, “Hi.” Read More

Making Friends as an Adult: The Value of Cross-Generational Relationships

By Ginny McReynolds February 14, 2017

Yesterday I took my 79-year-old friend to the hairdresser. We go out a couple of times a week, with occasional stops at the store to stock her refrigerator or at the drug store to pick up a prescription. Then we visit for a while when we get back and catch up on family news. Read More

6 Ways Grandmas Can Build Strong Relationships with their Modern Grandkids (Video)

By Margaret Manning April 08, 2016

Complaining about how things “were better in the good old days,” seems like a rite of passage for many grandparents. After all, through the lives of our grandchildren, we see firsthand just how much the world is changing around us. Read More

6 Ways to Build Healthy Family Relationships that Stand the Test of Time

By Margaret Manning October 28, 2013

One of the unique challenges of getting older is that our family relationships and family dynamics change with the passage of time. As a result, many women over 60 might find themselves navigating some uncertain emotional territory with their family relationships. Read More

Rediscovering Self-Love as a Woman Over 60

By Joan Senio May 07, 2024

Self-love is a concept that is often associated with youth and personal growth journeys. However, self-love can begin at any stage in life, including in our later years. In fact, rediscovering self-love (or cultivating it for the first time) after 60 can be a powerful…

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4 Great Reasons to Find a Workout Partner After 60

By Jessica Hegg May 06, 2024

Workout partners, whether they’re your spouse or a friend, serve as a physical and mental cue to stick with it and have fun! Check out these 4 reasons why finding a workout partner could be one of the best things you do for your health…

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6 Ways to Build Better Community and Heighten Your Golden Years’ Glory

By Susanna Barton May 05, 2024

Finding and establishing a key role in a network of dependable people is the cornerstone of a successful second half. In addition to cultivating social connections, provision and a sense of purpose and belonging, living in community with others is good…

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Daring Greatly: 6 Inspirations to Uplift Yourself from a “Bad Hair Day” or Unpleasant Encounters

By Beate Schilcher May 04, 2024

Today, I had a metaphorical “bad hair day”: an unpleasant encounter with a disrespectful person who tried to rip me off. While dealing with anger and disbelief, and trying to restore my peace of mind, powerful words by Theodore Roosevelt came to my mind…

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