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Who Are You? Your Thoughtful Answer May Support Your Higher Purpose

By T. Kari Mitchell October 22, 2023 Mindset

Have you been wondering how you’re supposed to show up at this critical stage of your life?

Aligning your essence with your mission may be a good place to start because your passions and purpose in life are inextricably tethered to how you view yourself.

Reflect on This: Who Are You?

Perhaps you began by stating your name and occupation. Or maybe you listed the various hats you’ve worn over the years.

During a challenging season in my life, a spiritual counselor asked me this question, and it really caused me to think. Immediately, I pondered the roles I had played, my responsibilities and societal expectations: loving daughter, dedicated teacher, genuine friend, compassionate caregiver, environmental steward, and a host of other functions I had been immersed in at the time.

The counselor listened, smiled and said, “Okay, let me be more specific – who are you at your core and why are you here?” That profound two-part question stuck with me and required more thoughtful exploration. After our discussion, I went home and meditated on my essence.

It Took a While, But I Know Who I Am

I had not really thought about who I was on a deeper, spiritual level. Then it occurred to me that, above everything else, I am a spiritual being – a unique expression of Spirit, incarnated to honor It and to do Its will – and that I am here to live, learn, love, grow and be a blessing to others. Knowing who I am as a spiritual being provides the confidence I need to succeed.

Today, I’m intentional about the words I place after “I am.” My elevated self-assessment motivates me to continually contemplate how I’m supposed to engage in the world. I’ve been teaching most of my life: The neighborhood kids when I was in grade school. Students and adults during my 32-year tenure in the public schools. And currently, speaking to and coaching mature women on how to overcome limiting beliefs so they can flourish in their second half.

However, while teaching is my forte, I know I’m more than a teacher. Being aware of who I am at my core keeps me open at the top. And this awareness helps me feel prosperous in any role I choose. In other words, I’m not tied to teaching in the traditional sense – I remain receptive to growing with my next divine appointment.

I’m constantly being guided to use my natural abilities in a variety of ways to lift others. Currently, my experiences have provided a new opportunity to blend my love for teaching and my passion for wellness to position myself as a change agent – transforming the world’s view of aging so it’s positive, not negative. My mission gives my life purposeful direction and fulfillment.

Who Are You?

I’d like to encourage you to consider your truth and be able to articulate it with confidence. If you’ve been thinking about the role you’re supposed to play in the second half of your life, taking time to go deep may provide some clarity on defining your calling.

Turning within requires you to get to know yourself intimately. This is how you connect to your inner wisdom and develop a personal relationship with your Creator. This practice builds a solid foundation and helps you move through life, aware and alert, determining what is right for you.

You may recall in my previous posts that I emphasize the power of words. Focus on your words. Words can become things. You create that which you think of and say. So, who do you say you are? What are you telling yourself right now?

“You are human in expression, but divine in creation and limitless in potentiality.” —Eric Butterworth

Always Affirm Your Highest Thought

If you initially answered my first question with a collection of occupations and roles in society like I did, no problem. That’s a great place to begin. But can you express who you are without including your previous occupations or current roles?

You are a creative being with infinite potential. You are more than a renowned sculptor, a New York Times best-selling author, a successful travel agent, or a creative website builder. You are not limited by your job title.

Wrap your heart and soul around your true nature first and then infuse your passions and purpose into that. Instead of answering, “I am a sales executive for a prominent software company,” acknowledge your divine qualities first. Yes, you are good at what you do (or what you did), but the nameplate displayed on your desk does not solely define you. You are not recreating your identity; you are affirming your true individuality.

It All Comes Down to Living Authentically

At my core I am a beloved expression of Spirit – everything else is an extension of that truth. Frame your spiritual declaration so it illuminates power and possibility.

Sometimes we can be led off course by societal expectations, others’ view of who we should be and our own inner critic. If you’re still trying to find the correct words, consider what you’d like your legacy to be. What key phrases do you want displayed on your epitaph, or what inspiring account do you imagine others will share at your homegoing celebration? You get to create in advance what that looks and feels like, by living your life authentically.

In his book, Practical Application of Science of Mind, new thought leader, Ernest Holmes, wrote, “Every demonstration is made at the exact level of the expectancy, the expectancy embodied in thought.” Using your “I am” as your daily affirmation to keep you centered in your reality may help you fulfill your higher calling with steadfast conviction.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

Who have you grown up to be? What critical questions can you ask yourself, in order to align your purpose with your truth? How can your spiritual practices support your mission in life?

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I’ve become a creative, compassionate, and curious individual who values learning, health, connection, and empathy for others. I was always these things; I recognize it more in my 60s.

Last edited 11 months ago by Deb

What a lovely statement about yourself, Deb. Thanks for posting! TK😇


I always liked this from the Desiderata:

You are a child of the Universe,
no less than the trees and the stars,
you have a right to be here.

I am that!


Living with this truth creates an inner peace, Marie. Thanks for sharing! TK😇

Shelly Little

When I was in elementary school I had a teacher who asked me this. I told her I am Shelly Little and I am myself, who do you think you are?

I got detention because I believe she was insecure, something that I have not been.


Shelly, I heard “who do you think you are” often from adults in my younger years, possibly a form of correction or an expression of disapproval for an act or something that was said, though I don’t think the adult expected a confident answer from the youngster. Ha! TK😇


Thanks for this inspirational article. I’m struggling with telling my story. Do you have any questions you asked yourself to develop your story?


Think of the things in your personality you like about yourself. Think of nice things you’ve done (for you as well as or others) throughout your life.


Thanks, Jena! Your suggestion is a great place to begin exploring the question: “Who am I?” TK😇


You’re welcome, Maura! Perhaps you can begin telling your story privately, through writing or a recording. Begin with your values and beliefs. Then talk about things that inspire you, your passions, what makes you smile, what you’ve learned, etc… Enjoy the process. TK😇


I have grown up to be an adult student of life realizing I still have so much to learn about others and myself. I am inquisitive, caring, good friend, decent mom and very passionate about social justice and politics. I often ask myself if I can be doing more in general for the greater good and then figure out what that looks like. I have dabbled in Buddhism and Stoicism and some other “isms” and try to incorporate these into my private practice as a therapist!


Awesome, Debbie! “I often ask myself if I can be doing more for the greater good.” I believe we are here to be of service to others. TK😇

The Author

T. Kari Mitchell (TK), founder of Lifestyle 120, is an Inspired Aging Motivational Speaker & Integrative Wellness Coach. TK is dedicated to helping mature women flourish. Her Sprout Your New Life course provides women with tools to reclaim their health, confidence, purpose, and power so they can rock their golden years. Connect with TK at

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