Many women – and quite a few men for that matter – worry about getting older. Personally, I was 49 for several years, before finally admitting to the world, and myself, that I was in my 50s.
It’s not just the obvious things that we worry about, like wrinkles or a few extra pounds. Many of us obsess about more important things, like how to find meaning in our lives now that our kids have left the house or how to build new friendships as our social situations change.
Based on my conversations with other boomers, I can tell you that the happiest people among us are the ones that find ways to “do more and think less.”
In other words, despite what many self-help gurus may tell you, it’s really hard to think your way to positivity. If you want to have more positive thoughts, you need to focus on doing more positive things.
This is similar to the advice that one of my favorite actresses, Diane Keaton, recently gave. She said…
“The busyness of life and the beauty that surrounds us are great distractions to obsessing about getting older… Figure out what makes you feel the best and let it go. Hit the day running.”
Notice that Keaton is not talking about busying yourself with random tasks. The key to happiness is finding those activities that resonate with your heart and pursuing them with passion and vigor.
What unique contribution do you want to make to the world? What passions do you want to explore, now that you have a bit more freedom? What dreams do you have for the future? These are the questions that matter.
Don’t worry if you don’t have a perfect vision for the future. Most of us don’t. Just take one positive step today towards your dreams. Remember: everyone gets older, but, not everyone gets old.
What dreams do you have for the decades ahead? Do you agree that staying busy with tasks that matter to you is one of the best ways to stop obsessing about getting older? Why or why not? Are you a fan of Diane Keaton? What was your favorite film of hers? Please join the conversation.
Tags Getting Older