At the beginning of the growing season, I purchased a beautiful flowering plant. It grows tall and its blooms are bright. The hot summer sun seemed to thwart its growth. I thought, “Well, that was a short blooming season.”
Much to my amazement, it began to bloom again as the weather cooled, and it seems to have no intention of stopping anytime soon.
Exactly like many of us who are still in active bloom.
When I turned 60 in 2017, I felt a shift. I called it my ‘60s switch’, and I declared that this was the beginning of doing things that push me way out of my comfort zone. I did not want to have any regrets. The kind of ‘shoulda, coulda, woulda’ regrets many of us accumulate.
With this change of mindset, I am pushing the boundaries of my professional life, and my business is thriving. I have learned how to swim, completed two triathlons and learned how to bottle-feed abandoned kittens.
You are never ever too old to learn.
I continue to learn how to face my fears and insecurities in order to leave a legacy of resilience*, contribution and engagement.
Growth is stepping out of your comfort zone and being uncomfortable. You need to find your courage to commit to the challenge of change because it is never too late to lead a relevant, resilient, radiant and remarkable life.
Here are some ways for you to thrive through the changing landscape of your life:
We are not invisible. We are not too old. It is not too late.
So, what are you waiting for? You have a choice: do you want to say, “These are still my days” or would you rather say, “Those were the days”?
*I often use words that begin with the letter ‘R’. For a long time, I didn’t know why I was drawn to words that began with R. About six years ago, I realized that this is homage to my mother, Racene. Inspiration comes from unexpected places.
When did you decide to redefine yourself? Do any of the seven R’s speak to you in a special way? How far have you grown in your pursuit of fulfillment? Please share in the comments below.
Tags Getting Older
Being the author of this article, let me say this. I am a leadership and life coach for women, and a few good men through The article is a teaser. It is meant to spark your own reflections, and possible ideas for your future. Yes, not everyone can figure this out for themselves. That is why many work with a coach to help themselves figure how to remain relevant, resilient and remarkable. If you want more, feel free to reach out.
Remember, you are not done, until you say you are done!
This “article” feels like a teaser for some other article that would explain what is meant by the “7 R’s”. The possibilities for thought provoking commentary are there but not at all developed. I hope the author will consider expanding their article at some point. Thank you
I am recently retired and @ 66 years of age, I so look forward to redefining many aspects of my life. Work and family had always been priority to me and the downside of those many years was little to no time to pursue activities or hobbies that I desire.
For one thing, an adult swimming class can finally happen and I hope to be more confident watching my grandkids at the pool or beach next summer.. I had taken art classes as a young women and now I will have the time to draw and paint once again. One final goal would be resuming by sewing skills .Unfortunately that is also a long lost skill of mine.
So I can definitely utilize all the “R’s” in your article and I thank you very much for the inspiration you have given me.
I too am recently retired and my passion for sewing was put on the back burner while I worked and ran a household! Now, I spend time EVERYDAY in my sewing “Lab.” There are so many great on-line classes now that I can hone my skills and not leave the house (look at Fitting is a skill all on its own because my body no longer fits right out of the pattern. I’m excited for you! Welcome to this great time of your life💜
Thank you Karen ! I look forward to checking out the websites and I hope you enjoy your retirement as well .