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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

3 years ago

Fun Hobbies for Older Women: The Joy of Singing at Any Age

Do you sing? No, I don’t mean, are you an opera singer, because there are precious few of those. I just mean do you like to sing, for instance, in the shower or in the bath? Or perhaps to yourself as you potter around the house. It is a joyous activity…

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3 years ago

Finding Your Style as an Artist in Your 60s

Many years ago, when I first began to create flame-worked glass beads and jewelry, I worried that as a new artist, I didn’t have a ‘style.’ I needn’t have worried. I’ve since learned that acquiring an artistic style of your own is a natural evolution…

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3 years ago

5 Reasons You Should Be Watching Stranger Things… Again

I still remember viewing the first season of Stranger Things in 2016. I was babysitting a guinea pig named Mindy and we crushed all 8 episodes in a few nights. I was hooked. As you are, am I right? After all, season three of Stranger Things…

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3 years ago

5 Easy Steps to Get You on the Path to Finding a Job You Enjoy

We are all afraid of the unknown. And not knowing exactly what it is we want stops us in our tracks. So, we get stuck. We choose safety over fulfillment because of overwhelm! I’m thinking about Jesse, who was stuck in a job that, over the years…

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3 years ago

Can You Ever Really Know Someone?

My sister and I exchange emails at least once a week. Sometimes I’m shocked when I read her impressions of something I’ve said. It’s eye-opening and gives me a different lens through which to see myself. Brought up in a small town in northern…

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3 years ago

A Handy Checklist for Savvy Home Buyers

Often, I get a text or email from someone asking me what I think about a home they are considering purchasing. They will send me the address and ask me, “What do you think of this house?” I think they expect me to say…

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3 years ago

How to Look Forward to the Holidays When You Are Divorced Over 50

The holidays are coming. The falling snow, ringing of sleigh bells, and smells of turkey and pumpkin pie can conjure memories of family and togetherness. When we are divorced and over 50, these same images may trigger emotions, making us feel…

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3 years ago

Why Unretirement Can Be What You’re Looking for After 60

Sometimes retirement doesn’t turn out the way we imagined. We may not be ready emotionally or financially, or have enough activities to fill up a once busy calendar. We may miss the day-to-day social interactions of the workplace or find it hard to make…

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3 years ago

Am I Old or Older – or A Rose by Any Other Name?

I was recently talking to some friends about the fact that I was writing a book about being in our later years, which I have just published. I may have used the word “old.” One woman immediately alerted me to be careful never to use the word…

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3 years ago

The Artful Life: Reconnecting with Your Creativity in Midlife and Beyond

Life is full of comparisons. As employees, our performance is measured against our coworkers. As mothers, we worry about whether we are doing good enough – compared to whom, by the way?

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