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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

7 months ago

Purge-fection: 3 Processes, Resources and Reasons for Downsizing or Decluttering

Enjoying life’s second half is more about presence and experience and less about the stuff we’ve stockpiled along the way. With our Golden Years in sight, now is the perfect time to lighten our load, pare back and purge so we can focus on the things that matter…

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7 months ago

How to Reflect on Your Childhood and Reignite Your Passions in Retirement

I don’t make New Year’s resolutions. I set intentions and while my intention for the year is to experience more joy, I enjoy reading articles and blog posts about reinvention. There is a school of thought that says…

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7 months ago

Addressing the Culture of Clothing

I have several suitcases full of summer clothes that I may never wear again. I loved them once. Still do, in fact. My body hasn’t changed. My mind hasn’t changed. Minnesota has hot summers so the climate isn’t dictating that decision…

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7 months ago

What’s the Deal with Shopping Anyway?

I cannot keep my secret quiet any longer. I have suffered in silence for years. Only my closest friends know the situation and they tend to sympathise. It’s not really my fault, but I really HATE shopping. I always have. Let’s try to ‘unpack’ this little problem…

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7 months ago

Get Your Best Ideas Before You Get Out of Bed: A 5-Step Process to Creativity

There are many routes to creativity and – contrary to what we were told as children. Whether you call it thinking outside the box, originality, or dynamic problem-solving, creativity is simply a way of approaching puzzling situations and coming up…

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7 months ago

The Power of Sacred Symbols in Your Home

Years ago, I found a pair of beautiful, hand-carved, wooden angel wings in an antique shop. I bought them as a decorative accessory, but, strangely, could never find the right place for them in my spacious home. I tried them on several walls…

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7 months ago

The Stories of Our Lives – Capturing Hidden Meaning in Our Memories

I crept to the end of the diving board at the community swimming pool and jumped. My seven-year-old body plunged into water far deeper than I expected. Popping to the surface, I thrashed frantically – I didn’t know how to swim…

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7 months ago

Embrace Your 70s! 3 Ways to Usher in the Next Glorious Decade!

Don’t break out your disco boots, I am talking about your 70s, not the 70s. Whether you believe that 70 is the new 50, or it’s just 70, it can be a celebration with a positive attitude and plans. It’s not about what happens to you…

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7 months ago

5 Steps to Sell Your Business

It may not have been on your mind the day you started your business, but one day you’ll exit it. If you’re at the point in your business life-cycle where you’re starting to think about an exit, selling a business may seem overwhelming. It doesn’t have to be…

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7 months ago

Emotional Decluttering in My 60s

As I look back on my life, I can see all the events and circumstances that brought me to where I am now. I am grateful for every situation and relationship that helped me to grow into the woman I am today…

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