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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

2 years ago

Celebrating 60 & Me’s 10th Anniversary!

Margaret Manning, this website’s founder, has noted recently that this is the 10th anniversary of Sixty and Me, but I don’t think enough fuss has been made of this wonderful fact. We should be singing and celebrating loudly…

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2 years ago

Choose a Burial Plan – The Remains of Your Days

This morning I am very much alive. I’m getting in my morning run, doing a little strength work and planning my next travel ventures. Still, that mental nudge comes every now and then. It says, “Be kind to your family. Make those decisions about…

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2 years ago

How to Have an Opinion but Still Practice the Art of Kind Conversing in Your 60s

These are turbulent times that we live in, and I am amazed at the uncontrolled and selfish conversing I see and hear lately. It’s everywhere! TV, social media, restaurants, ball fields, schools… everywhere! I believe everyone has forgotten…

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2 years ago

The Only Luxury of Covid – Reading Lots of Books

Covid finally caught up with me – in Sheboygan, WI on a ladies’ trip. Five of us tested positive after returning home. No, we didn’t mask; a mistake in hindsight. But for three weeks, I did nothing but read and binge television…

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2 years ago

Reflecting on Women’s Rights in 2022

Do you remember a television ad that said, “You’ve come a long way, baby?” It was an ad in the 70s for Virginia Slim cigarettes, and the jingle continues, “You’ve got your own cigarette now, baby, you’ve come a long way…

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2 years ago

10 Worst Songs That Are Also Damnably Catchy

There are a lot of horrible, terrible songs out there with content that is seriously wtf, which is no surprise to anyone. But guess what? Not all of them are rap lyrics. Do you have songs on your playlist from back in the day that, as you’re singing…

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2 years ago

Politics After 60: Make a Difference Without Running for Office

It’s the year of the midterms in the U.S., and since I live in a ‘swing state’ that could decide the majority party in Congress, I am inundated with TV ads – mostly negative – and mailers touting the sins or virtues of all the candidates…

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2 years ago

Want to Make God Laugh? Make a Plan 

Dear God, I hope miracles are still in your wheelhouse because I sure need a couple right now. I have been sick for the past few days. Please help me surrender my raggedy breath, snotty nose, and fierce, shuddering cough to your (hopefully) healing hands…

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2 years ago

5 Beach-ish Reads for the Summer

I don’t know about your part of the world, but it is HOT where I live. I want everything else around me to be lighter, cooler, and more relaxed. My clothes, our dinners, the sheets on my bed. And the books I read…

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2 years ago

What Makes for a Better Farewell Gift Than Your China? How About a Memory Box?

At some point, we women of a certain age start to question how much our offspring really know about us and our lives. All too often the answer comes back, “not much.” We live such fast-paced and overscheduled lives…

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