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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

2 years ago

Different Kinds of Friends and What They Mean to Us

Almost everybody has friends. It is part of life to have them. Some of us have loads and some have very few, but we all feel that they are important in our lives. And we all know who our friends are. They are people who are not our family…

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2 years ago

Where Does Your Inspiration Come From?

Insights and understanding come from the places you least expect. Everyone needs to be reminded that they are never too old and it is never too late to lead a relevant, resilient, radiant, and remarkable life. Though age and gender bias…

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2 years ago

8 Ways to Define Your Vision of Success as You Add Yet Another Year Over 60

As we approach the year end, it is a good time to examine, redefine, or re-set your personal vision of success. Or as my teenage grandson says to me, “How’s it going, Gran?” December brings a myriad of deep, personal emotions…

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2 years ago

Keeping on with the Reading Trend

Since reading is a great pastime for women our age – and for anyone, really – here’s another list that I was able to complete and review…

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2 years ago

Unbelievable Christmas Gifts for Couples

Are you looking for the perfect gift for a couple this holiday season? Getting a gift for a couple has its share of challenges and difficulties. Generally, women and men have different tastes and hobbies, which can make it extra difficult…

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2 years ago

Developing Mindfulness Through Painting May Lead to a Better Retirement

It was George Bernard Shaw who said “Youth is wasted on the young.” I sometimes remind my young adult sons about this when they are getting uppity. This amusing quote, like all good quotes, has more than a grain of truth to it…

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2 years ago

Are You a Giver or a Receiver?

This is the time of year when we are focused on giving. I put together my holiday gift list over a month ago. It is mostly the same as last year but with a few variations. Of course, my immediate family is always included plus a few “out-laws…

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2 years ago

Creativity Is an Essential Ingredient in Healthy Communities

Eureka! Finally! Science and medicine are catching up with the arts! Members of these esteemed communities are now acknowledging that creativity is good for you in the same way physical exercise and good nutrition is…

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2 years ago

What Are the Best Gifts for Grandma… According to Grandmas?

Why is it so hard to buy gifts for grandma? Perhaps it’s because, as women in our 60s, or older, we simply don’t feel like we need anything anymore. Or, maybe the traditional gifts of knitting sets, customized mugs, bath salts and jewelry simply…

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2 years ago

Why Life Over 60 Works Better Without Clutter

How would you feel if a relative or friend died, leaving a house full of clutter behind them, and it fell to you to sort it all out? Unfortunately, this situation is very common. I often meet people who have toiled for months, or even years…

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