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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

2 years ago

The Work Hard – Retire Hard Myth

Many of us grew up in an era where the accepted approach to life was to work really hard to be successful at our chosen role and take care of responsibilities. Then, like magic, at 65 we get to stop and make up for all the “fun” we put off…

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2 years ago

Home Ownership… It’s Always Something!

To quote one of my very favorite and famous beloved female comedians, Gilda Radner’s character, Roseannadanna, “It just goes to show you, it’s always something – if it ain’t one thing, it’s another!” I regularly re-quote Roseannadanna’s…

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2 years ago

Lifelong Learning: 5 Reasons Why Sewing Is a Good Skill to Have After 60

Ever since home sewing machines came to be, they have been a helpful asset and a reliable partner of capable housewives who either had some spare time for a hobby, or more likely had to dress their entire households with a fairly small budget…

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2 years ago

Swap Seasonal Stress for Serenity This Holiday Season

Age has taught me a lot, and the wisdom I’ve gained helps me cope with stress. I’m more accepting of other people’s shortcomings, and perhaps I’m even more tolerant of my own (and believe me, I have them)…

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2 years ago

Making a Break in Your 60s

Some years ago, at the age of 61, I quit my job, rented out my flat and flew to Australia to research my family history. It was not an easy business. In the days before Airbnb and other similar organisations made letting so much more flexible…

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2 years ago

Knowing Myself Series – Part 1: Love What I Have

To be in a healthy romantic relationship with another, you must love yourself first. A hard-won lesson for me, as it is both cliché and overused. I wanted to do it my own way. Three years ago, at 58 years old, I met my soul mate and we fell in love…

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2 years ago

5 Tips on How Mature Women Can Close Out the Year with a Smile  

Let me guess: You are a woman over 55, getting busy with holiday preparations, traveling plans, and family gatherings with children and grandchildren. Maybe you have your business matters to wrap up and touch base with friends. Or maybe…

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2 years ago

Sweet Sleep and Dreams – And the Benefits

I’ve had a book on the bedside table for a year or so, slowly reading it chapter by chapter. I started and finished many other books in the meantime, but this one was not to be hurried through. The book, Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams…

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2 years ago

How Biophilia Can Be a Part of Your Wellness Routine

Tapping into our innate connection to nature, known as biophilia, is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, both physically and emotionally. The concept is also foundational to biophilic design, which brings in natural materials, patterns, plants…

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2 years ago

72 Best Christmas Quotes

Want to get into the Christmas spirit? One sure-fire way to do that is to read quotes about Christmas. You can use some of these quotes in your social media posts or in your Christmas cards and greetings. We’ve pulled together 72…

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