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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

6 months ago

Ten 60th Birthday Celebration Ideas

Stepping into your 60s is a remarkable milestone, and what better way to mark this chapter than by celebrating with a birthday experience that goes beyond the usual gifts? As you turn the page on another year, it’s time to discover a world of unique…

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6 months ago

Reclaim Your Place as an Artist: Creative Thinking Is for Everyone

Creativity has always been a topic I love reading about, so it’s really no surprise that I stumbled on this quote by Pablo Picasso: “Every child is an artist; the problem is staying an artist when you grow up…”

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6 months ago

How to Share Your Life Story in Book Format with Question Prompts

Last year my oldest son gave me a gift for my birthday that turned out to be not only a gift to me, but a special gift for him, his brother, for their children, and hopefully for their grandchildren. Every week over the course of a year I was sent a question about myself…

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6 months ago

5 Ways to Discover Your New Path in the Transition to Retirement

When you’re a year or two away from retirement, or from your kids graduating and moving on with their lives, you start fantasizing about how wonderful it’s going to be to have lots of free time…

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6 months ago

Trivial Daily Nuisances: How Difficult Can It Be to Buy a New Mop?

How often do you have one of ‘those days’ when things just seem to go very wrong? I am not talking about days of world crises or when you find out that you or a loved one has some dreadful illness or accident. I am talking about trivial stuff…

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6 months ago

Little Known Reasons You Can (and Should) Learn a Second Language Post 60

Nine years ago, during a particularly difficult period in my life, a period devoid of any sense of accomplishment whatsoever (I was job hunting at age 57), I decided to learn a second language, Spanish…

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6 months ago

4 Ways to Jumpstart Your Retired Life When You Feel Stuck

Retirement is full of promise. We begin with lists, plans, goals… everything we’ve been waiting to do. And off we go! Then, somewhere along the line, we stall. Or we plateau. Boxes have been checked off. Goals have been met. Inertia sets in…

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6 months ago

How Knitting Has Become a Big Part of My Life in My 60s

I can remember learning to knit as a small child and being delighted when I produced a hideous scarf, full of holes and dropped stitches and strangely wider at one end than the other. My real passion for knitting began when I was about 14…

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7 months ago

Are You Ready to Take a Break – from Alcohol?

Many of us start drinking during our 20s and 30s – to socialise and have fun. As we get older, some of us switch to using a glass (or two) or wine in the evening to relax or to relieve stress. The evolution from “socialising” to “self-medicating” has begun…

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7 months ago

How to Master Successful Aging: All You Need to Know

One potential definition of successful aging may be to say it encompasses holistic physical, social and emotional well-being, purposeful living, maintenance of our cognitive health, and an ongoing sense of fulfillment…

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