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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

2 years ago

Are We Sentimental About Simple Things We Use Every Day?

I made some soup earlier today and, in order to serve it, I reached for my ladle. It is absolutely not a classy ladle – it has a red plastic handle. It probably came from Woolworth’s or the equivalent. But I suddenly had a memory of how and when I got it…

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2 years ago

10 Movies to Watch Starring Strong and Stylish Older Women

It used to be that women over 60 were automatically dismissed from Hollywood and the film industry. Producers and casting directors seemed to think that older women didn’t have any value to bring to a movie and cast younger women…

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2 years ago

Addicted to My To-Do List

A prolonged rainstorm trapping me indoors and the arrival of a three-month-old puppy, who required my attention to securely settle into her new home, presented me with weeks of unscheduled time – time that would otherwise have been spent…

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2 years ago

A Sampling of End-Of-Year Celebrations and Traditions

The end of one year and the beginning of the next is surrounded with many traditions involving celebrations and food. Perhaps you’re accustomed as I have been, to heading downtown to watch a few fireworks, or joining your family around the television…

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2 years ago

4 Simple Appetizer Recipes to Amaze Your Friends in Retirement

I have changed the way I entertain friends over the past several years. I rarely have dinner parties and large groups to my house. Many of my friends are on special diets or have certain health concerns, so I choose to entertain with a variety…

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2 years ago

The Fast Track to De-Cluttering Our Mind and Why We Should

Consider this: our possessions are nothing more than inanimate objects. They don’t pulse with the same life energies as we do. Right? Curiously, no, that’s not the case at all. Research in the area of quantum physics shows that inanimate objects…

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2 years ago

4 Ways to Do What You Should Instead of What You Want

So you’ve decided you’re going to finally lose those post-menopausal pounds. Starting today, you’re going to eat better. You make a yummy salad and bring it to work for lunch. You vow to cut down on sweets and exercise for an hour three times a week…

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2 years ago

5 Novels for Cold, Dreary Days

As I looked over the Oscar nominations last week, I grimaced at a couple of the movies vying for Best Picture. But, I reminded myself, we all enjoy different sorts of films. And it’s the same with books. The novel one woman raves about may not be her walking…

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2 years ago

Ever Heard of a “Mondegreen”?

When I am driving, I like to listen to the radio and, if I am alone, that is the one place that I feel safe singing along. (If you can call what I do singing!) I belt out the words at the top of my lungs! I am embarrassed to say that I frequently misquote the actual lyrics…

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2 years ago

7 Ways to Foster Honest Conversation in Troubling Times

We’re programmed to face chin up and cheerful into whatever life brings. The etiquette of our upbringing in the 50s and 60s warned that people don’t want to hear our problems, only to exchange pleasantries and move along…

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