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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

2 years ago

Is Inspiration Whiplash Part of Your Vocabulary?

If you’re like most people, you probably made some new year’s resolutions – changes you wanted to see in your life. Research shows it takes around 90 days to forge lasting change, so perhaps by now you’re well on your way to making…

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2 years ago

Discovering My True Life Calling

We’ve all been told that we have a life purpose or calling. How many of us really know what that is? I’ve spent much of my life on my journey of discovery, but it wasn’t until after I retired from my vocation that I finally discovered my calling…

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2 years ago

Walking Back to the Happiness of Sobriety

When I was a young chick (admittedly a long, long time ago), I used to love listening The Who singing “Hope I die before I get old” and used to be in complete agreement with that sentiment. Well, the passing of time changes everything…

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2 years ago

The Dreaded High School Reunion and the 5 Things I Discovered Preparing for Mine

I graduated in 1973 from a small Catholic high school. I was young for my age, ill prepared to be rubbing elbows with girls who drove Jaguars and brand new Camaros to school, had streets named after their fathers and felt little to no use for me…

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2 years ago

Are You Crazy About Puppets?

If theater is about the suspension of disbelief, then puppetry is a double suspension of disbelief – the story is told not by an actor, but by a doll or costume controlled by a puppeteer. Done well, it works in a magical way. The creative skill…

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2 years ago

What Does It Take to Enjoy Cheap Luxuries?

Years ago, I coined the term ‘cheap luxury’ in my household, but I think it is a good time to spread it around. See if you think it has meaning for you. The term first arose, if I am not mistaken, over a jar of mustard. We were in a supermarket…

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2 years ago

Begin a Challenge with the End in Mind

Do you realize that most of us think with the end in mind? Remember when you began and completed a recent project? It could have been reorganizing your kitchen cupboards, finishing a quilt, or cleaning the house…

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2 years ago

The Charms of Living Alone

My friend, Marcia, is a vigorous woman in her early 80s. Thirty years ago, she moved into an apartment on Manhattan’s upper East side. Last year, I visited her place for the first time. There were bars outside her ground floor windows…

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2 years ago

Hooray for Le Goûter (RECIPE)

Have you ever seen or heard of the French word “Le Goûter” and wondered, “What is it and what does it mean?” Well, literally translated, Goûter means, “to taste.” It comes from the French verb Goûter and is pronounced “goo tay.”

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2 years ago

4 Steps to Identifying Your Purpose in Midlife

Have you reached a point in your life where you felt like you were simply going through the motions? Maybe you wake up each day feeling unfulfilled, wondering if there is more to life than what you are currently experiencing. If so, you are not alone…

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