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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

1 year ago

5 Music Apps for Women Over 60

Do you like listening to music? Music has never been more accessible than it is now. Streaming music services have practically replaced CDs and other types of music formats. You can listen to all your favorite music from your phone, your tablet…

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1 year ago

4 Helpful Tips for Sharing a Bed After 60

I am lucky enough to live with a loved one – nothing to be taken for granted as we age. Additionally, we still share a bed. Problem is, as you get older, comfort during your sleep time seems increasingly vital. As a result, sharing a bed can be both a blessing…

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1 year ago

How to Fight Back Against Retirement Anxiety and Find Your True Self

I was the first of my close friends to retire – by a long shot. Even most of my work friends had another five years to go. Only then they could turn off the alarm clock and plan their days to their liking. To my surprise, I experienced at least a year…

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1 year ago

Being Alone but Not Lonely

I wrote an article for Sixty and Me on loneliness, which, for some reason, gathered a number of comments. The consensus – you can be alone but not lonely. OK, I get it. Because I am very much like these women. Being a speaker and performer…

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1 year ago

The Art of Connecting with Your Creative Muse After 60

Anyone in the field of art or design will tell you that there are days when they don’t feel very creative. Even for those who practice art solely for their own pleasure will begin to feel the drag on their life without the joy of “making” in it…

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1 year ago

Retirement: Are You Ready for A Solo Act?

Most women in their 60s are headed for a solo future. Are you prepared for yours? Millions of people are finding themselves on their own as they head toward retirement. Some are solo by circumstance, others by choice. These partner-less pioneers…

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1 year ago

Frank Lloyd Wright and a Wisconsin Get-a-Way – Visiting the American Players Theater in Spring Green, WI, Summer 2022

Living in Chicago, you automatically qualify as a Frank Lloyd Wright (FLW) fan. Many of his famous commissions still stand, some owned by single families, or open to the public and owned by churches (Unitarians), communities…

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1 year ago

How Many of These 1960s Dances Do You Remember? (Including Vintage Videos!)

As women who grew up in the 1960s, dance has been a part of our lives since the very beginning. But, if I’m right, most of us haven’t had a chance to see our favorite 1960s dances performed – let alone put on our dancing shoes and try them ourselves – for many years…

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1 year ago

How Do I Make My Market Flowers Last?

Let’s start with the care and feeding of flowers. By gaining this knowledge, you can save a life, one stem at a time, which goes some way toward making a beautiful lasting arrangement. It is remarkable how delicate flowers can appear…

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1 year ago

We Can Make Time to Read to Children Because We Care

In this short series of articles for Sixty and Me, we looked at the issue of children moving away from books and also explored 20 ways to get them started – or to help them continue – their reading journey. Whether you have grandchildren…

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