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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

6 months ago

What Constitutes a Full Day at this Stage of the Game?

It’s been a year now since I’ve been fully retired. Every morning when I was working (even on my days off), I would wake up and walk through the list in my head of what I needed to get accomplished that day. I loved my career, yet I still began…

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6 months ago

We Need the Songs We Can Sing Along To

I’ve spent a lot of time lately thinking about the value of songs. I’m thinking of songs that have a distinct and memorable melody and meaningful lyrics. Songs that trigger loving memories. Songs that speak of heartbreaks or hardships…

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6 months ago

Voluntourism – Is It Right for You?

Over the past decade, there has been a sharp increase in the number of travelers who wish to contribute in some meaningful way as part of their travels. To meet this demand, there have sprung up innumerable “volunteering” organizations…

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6 months ago

Reputation: Looking After One of Our Most Valuable Assets

When we met up for our regular walk, coffee and pastry, it seemed my friend Doug wasn’t his usual relaxed, nonchalant self. So I asked how it felt to be back in his top-to-bottom newly-refurbished apartment. All along, while the major renovations…

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6 months ago

What Is Bathing For?

I am exceedingly clean. I take a shower every morning and a bath every night. I wash in all the right places. My mother would be proud of me. But all this bathing has nothing to do with getting clean. There are so many other reasons to pursue these activities…

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6 months ago

What Happens When Seniors Don’t Plan?

Do you know what happens if you fail to plan, and you become unable to make decisions for yourself? If you don’t have a valid Health Care Proxy or Durable Power of Attorney document, you may find yourself subject to a Guardianship or Conservatorship…

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6 months ago

Second Home: Partial or Full Ownership?

When thinking of a second home, most people probably think about purchasing a property with only their name (or together with a spouse) on the title and the mortgage. However, there is also the option of partial ownership, where multiple people…

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6 months ago

1000 Weeks: How Should We Use Them?

If you are fortunate enough to reach the age of 65, according to the latest research on aging, your destiny might enable you to live approximately 20 more years, or exactly 1,040 weeks. Oliver Burkeman, the British/American author of 4000 Weeks…

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6 months ago

How to Find Your Business’s Value: Three Approaches

Valuing a business is a complex process, and a single method is rarely used in isolation. While having a rough estimate of the value of your business in the beginning is useful, you’ll ask for a formal valuation from an independent valuation expert later…

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6 months ago

What 3 Weeks Organizing My Photos Taught Me About Downsizing

Are you downsizing? Did you struggle with some of your favorite possessions? Have you thought about downsizing your photos? One of our downsizing challenges was 60+ years of photos were stored in 5 large plastic storage containers that needed two people…

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