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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

1 year ago

Suddenly Living Alone? Here’s How to Bring Your New Life Into Focus

Whether you are starting over because your marriage ended, or because you are a widow or an empty nester, it is a time to refocus your life. And with that new focus come new possibilities. Attitude is everything. You will never find happiness if you don’t look…

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1 year ago

Fulfilling a Dream: I Published a Book!

It was a dream. Maybe deep down I’ve always wanted to share my truths with others? What does “sharing one’s truth” even mean? It sounds kind of hippy dippy. But that phrase has spiritual undertones to me. I thought at one point about going…

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1 year ago

3 Powerful Ways to Write Your Life Story

If I were to title this decade of my sixties, I would call it Reclamation. These years continue to reveal themselves as a time of taking to heart the things I thought I lost, or broken. As I’ve gathered these things to me I’ve come to find that nothing…

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1 year ago

5 Top-Rated Free Online Classes for Women Over 50

We often hear that we are never too old to learn something new. It has never been easier to learn new things than it is now. The internet has opened the doors to new ways of learning and I’m here for it. Now, all I need is to find the time to take all…

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1 year ago

How Quilt Patterns Reveal the Fabric of Our Lives

Well, I decided to tackle my closet and get rid of old clothing that no longer fit or would never be worn again. I actually enjoy this task. My closet gets a make-over and I donate things that are still in good shape. Sometimes I find things that…

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1 year ago

The ATX TV Festival – A Great Reason to Travel

Austin, Texas. What do you associate this deep in the heart of Texas city with?
It’s a destination people think of as bachelor or bachelorette parties, the ubiquitous SXSW Film, Music and Tech festival, ACL – the live music event spread over two weekends…

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1 year ago

How to Declutter Your Home, 20-Minutes at a Time

We all know the old saying that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and the same principle can be applied to clutter clearing too. The trick is to begin small and take it a step at a time. Begin by choosing a small area that contains things you…

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1 year ago

Appreciating Nature’s Gifts, Plus My Thin Focaccia Recipe

It’s the rainy season here in Costa Rica and it makes me think of comfort food. Only one small problem, it’s hot out! So I am dreaming of a hot bowl of soup. I love lentil soup with a dollop of pesto on top, or maybe a good vegetable soup. Oh and some bread…

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1 year ago

Get Your Own House Back! Stop Being a Repository for Other People’s Stuff! (VIDEO)

If there is one thing we all noticed a little more of during the Covid lockdown, it was the amount of clutter we had accumulated and the impact it can have on how we feel in our own homes. Perhaps for the first time, you clearly felt the impact…

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1 year ago

What Is Negative Space in Home Décor and How to Use It

Do you love changing up your home’s décor? Do you get happy thinking about design but want a tip or two to elevate your game? Even if you yawn at the idea of redoing your space because your skill set and joy lie elsewhere, this information could help you…

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