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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

1 year ago

7 Tips to Revive Your Grandma’s Pearl Necklace

I am sure many women over the age of 60 have a white pearl necklace. Maybe it was a gift from your husband, or a piece inherited from your mother or grandmother. As a rule, it is a simple strand of small white round pearls, often graduated…

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1 year ago

The Khan Academy: Can It Revolutionize Your Grandkids’ Schooling?

Have you heard of the Khan Academy? In 2004, Salman Khan began tutoring his younger cousin, Nadia, in maths over the Internet, then other cousins. Such was the interest from YouTube watchers, he quit his job as a hedge fund analyst to start the not-for-profit Khan Academy full time. Salman “Sal” Khan, aged 46, son […]

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1 year ago

How Reading Books Can Wake Up Your Brain After 60

Are you one of those people who, no matter how much you are enjoying it, simply cannot wait to finish the book you are reading when another interesting title catches your eye? Me too. Unfortunately, a busy schedule limits my dedicated reading time…

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1 year ago

Think You’re Not Creative? Think Again!

There are so many great things about being a woman of this certain age – what stretches out in front of us are our most creative years. Every woman is creative. There is always something that she is doing that is steeped in creative process…

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1 year ago

Do You Really Need More Stuff? How Image Substitutes Can Improve Your Life

I love daisies. If you ask me to name my favorite flower, a daisy is always my answer. Roses, tulips, and poppies are never mentioned, although I “like” them too. My simple flower choice is always a daisy. Ask me what my favorite scent is, I will reply sandalwood…

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1 year ago

10 Best iPhone Apps for the Hearing Impaired

iPhone has become popular among older adults because of senior-friendly games and apps. This article shares the best iPhone apps for the hearing impaired that are useful for different purposes; some amplify phone calls while others…

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1 year ago

“So, What Do You Do All Day?” Retirement Question #1

Many retired women tell me they get asked this question. The reaction to it can be a negative one. I have heard comments like, “Well, they wouldn’t ask me that if I were still working!” One of the most common responses I hear is, “Whatever I want!”

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1 year ago

How Important Are Your Neighbours as You Reach the Mark of 60?

My very friendly next-door neighbours moved back to the US. In many ways, it was not a surprise, as they were always going to be visitors in London – here because of the husband’s job. Yet it came as both a shock and a loss…

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1 year ago

Are Older Drivers Dangerous? How to Sharpen Your Driving Skills After 60

I can still remember how excited I was when I got my driving license. In addition to giving me an enormous sense of pride and independence, it also was tangible proof that I was now really a “grown up” with all the rights and privileges…

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1 year ago

How Do We Transition to a New Phase of Life?

This article focuses on the transition out of full time work. The ideas also are relevant to anyone seeing 65 as a transition into a new phase of life. Let’s begin by framing the end of a full-time career as simply a transition in a continual sequence…

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