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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

12 months ago

Creative Ways to Enjoy Oil Painting Without Wrecking Your Budget

You love your new oil painting pastime, but replacing art supplies keeps getting more expensive. Maybe you feel a little guilty about the costs. Maybe you decide to paint less often. Another option is to stretch out the paint, but does the end result…

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12 months ago

First Impressions – How Important Are They for You?

‘First Impressions’ is a hot topic if Google Search or the number of results on is anything to go by. The information online and in books, as we would expect, is aimed largely at those under the spotlight, those who feel the need to make a good…

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12 months ago

New York – A Great Place for a Second Birthday Party

Get your kicks when you’re 66! That’s been the mantra I began singing over two months ago when I first decided to celebrate my birthday throughout the month of August. At this mature point in my life, I get to celebrate as frequently as I choose…

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12 months ago

The Very Odd Story of the Cat in the Shower

It was a very ordinary night. I was undertaking a very ordinary activity. I had gone into the bathroom to get my pyjamas, which were hanging on the back of the door. My mind was completely elsewhere, as minds can be when you’re doing a routine task…

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1 year ago

7 Signs You Might Have a Drinking Problem

Alcohol consumption has become so normalized in our society. If you’ve ever tried to quit drinking then you’ll know why they say, “Alcohol is the only drug we have to justify not taking.” It’s coping with all the questions and having to come up…

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1 year ago

Should You Throw Out Your “To-Do” List After 60? Or, Just Rework It a Bit?

You don’t need to stop making To-Do lists to live ‘in the moment’. To-Do lists let you live in the moment as long as you use them as a tool, not a burden around your neck. They are simply a sign of vitality!

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1 year ago

Why I Enjoy the Opera Theatre of St. Louis

My family is from St. Louis, so a nice road trip from Chicago to St. Louis (five hours with one potty stop) was in the cards for my opera friend, Betsy, and me. Opera Theater of St. Louis is known for excellent productions, many of them commissioned premiers…

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1 year ago

Being of Service in Your 60s 

As discussed in my previous blogs, there are so many perks to reaching this wonderful milestone, and I finally have the time and the means to follow through in earnest on one of the most pressing items that has remained flickering on my back burner: volunteering.

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1 year ago

Embracing Your 3rd Act: Cultivating a Positive Mindset for a Fulfilling Life after 70

Entering your 70s, your 3rd act, is a milestone worth celebrating. It’s a time to reflect on a life well-lived and embrace the joys of aging. To make the most of this chapter of your life, it’s important to cultivate a positive mindset. Just turning 70 myself…

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1 year ago

How Do Real Friends Respond to a Serious Illness? (7 Comforting Things to Say)

My friends are getting sick at an alarming rate. No doubt it goes with the aging process. We all get our share of aches and pains but some illnesses are a matter of life and death. When your friend is diagnosed with a serious illness, what’s the best way to respond?

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