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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

12 months ago

Dealing with the Small Irritations in Life

I am struggling with an old roll of scotch tape. The end has been lost, so I am trying to dig out the thin membrane of tape to allow me to get it working again. I get a small bit and then, instead of a large useable piece, I find myself with a narrow strip…

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12 months ago

Handling Relationship Disappointment in Our 60s

I am very much a woman who follows her gut instincts and goes by the belief that first impressions are lasting impressions. So, when I form a positive opinion about somebody that proves to be wrong, I actually disbelieve myself – until I am ready to accept…

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12 months ago

7 Free iPad Games for Seniors with Dementia

Video games can help dementia patients to combat boredom and stay mentally active. It is important for seniors with dementia to engage in activities that help ease the feelings of anxiety and provide social and mental stimulation…

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12 months ago

5 Reasons Why Adopting a Pet in Retirement May Be Right for You

Socialization is fun, and many reports state that remaining active and social as older adults can keep us healthy and help us to live longer. But what happens when it’s no longer just as simple as hopping in the car and going?

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12 months ago

Can Cake Designs Really Be Considered Art? You Bet!

Cake, an art form? I hear you question…. REALLY?! Well, yes, beautifully designed and decorated cakes come into existence using the same processes and considerations as the latest collections on the London or Paris catwalks. I am a cake designer…

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12 months ago

6 Ways to Find Humor in Everyday Life After 60 (And Why You Need It!)

After four decades of regular workouts, my body has decided to defend itself by developing osteoarthritis. Every workout is now a rousing game of Will It Hurt If I Do This? Oh, what fun.
But unlike a real game show, no prizes are awarded…

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12 months ago

End of Summer Book Reviews 2023

So many good books passed through my hands in the last month. Of all, Viktor Frankl’s focus on finding the meaning in your life still resonates. As a result, I was discussing with a friend the meaning of corporal works of mercy (Catholic) and mitzvahs (Jewish) in our lives…

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12 months ago

Downsizing Is Really All About Embracing Three Little Magic Words

A minimalist lifestyle is relatively easy to achieve if all you ever say is the word no. It is so simple to say. No, I won’t buy that new dress or No, I won’t accept that gift, or in my case, No, I won’t buy more bangles. No, I won’t complicate my existence…

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12 months ago

Learning to Live Alone… with Other People

Learning to live solo can be very empowering – and expensive. As solo women, we often prefer to live alone, but we want to do so in an environment which also provides social connections, activities and the sense of community we crave…

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12 months ago

Navigating the Years Before Retirement: 5 Tips for Staying Focused, Relevant, and Sane

Retirement is a significant milestone in life; a time to reap the rewards of your hard work and embark on new adventures. But for women over 60, who are just a couple of years away from retirement, it can be challenging to stay focused…

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