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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

11 months ago

Considering Relocation in Retirement? Know Your Preferences, Do Your Research and Make Your Plan

We’ve heard retirement referred to as the “golden years,” the “autumn in life,” or the “third act,” and ideal lifestyles ranging from active to passive and energetic to idle. Destinations abroad await some, while tango lessons, writing memoirs, pickleball…

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11 months ago

How to Get Your House and Yard Ready for Winter Season

The cold days of winter are ahead of us. It won’t take long before the seasons completely change. This is when you should prepare your house and yard for the upcoming winter and help them wait for the spring looking their best…

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11 months ago

Get off the Hamster Wheel and Find Yourself

Whether you are retired, working inside or outside of the home, it seems that the last thing we do is prioritize ourselves. That book never gets written, and the hobbies never explored. Oftentimes, we feel defined by our work, and we wake up…

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11 months ago

This Holiday Season – Be Kind!

Every year, the Holiday Season brings with it a mixed bag of people and things. There are relatives you look forward to spending time with, friends you can’t wait to get together with, gifts you enjoy and parties galore. As well as, sigh, relatives you can’t stand…

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11 months ago

How to Successfully Navigate Renting to a Friend

Have extra space in your home that can be used to create a rental income stream and a friend in need of a place to live? Before long, the conversation inevitably turns to a discussion about becoming housemates. It may sound like a perfect idea to live…

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11 months ago

Is Retirement an Outmoded Concept for Boomers?

Contrary to what we’re used to, retirement is a recent idea. When people lived an average of 47 years in the 19th century, retirement wasn’t an option. But now we define retirement as “the end of your working life.”

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11 months ago

Is YouTube Among Your Favorite Pastimes?

YouTube launched in 2005 and has since become the fastest growing social media platform. According to YouTube, they have over 2.5 billion users every month and over 1 billion hours of YouTube videos are watched a day…

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11 months ago

Multitasking in Your 60s? Consider the Benefits of These 4 Multitasking Scenarios

How many times a day do you catch yourself multitasking? Talking on the phone while watching TV and cooking is not uncommon for many women over 60. But is it efficient? Allegedly, Leonardo da Vinci had been able to write…

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11 months ago

My Toxic Relationship… with Alcohol

My relationship with alcohol began as a flirtation, evolved into a love story and then became a toxic relationship. So toxic I had to end it and write a Goodbye to Alcohol letter. We often think of a “binge drinker” as a teenager in a nightclub…

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11 months ago

Is There a Right Time to Declutter After You Have Lost Someone?

When we have lost a partner, parent, child, or friend, grief overwhelms us so much that it is hard to make the simplest of decisions. For some, busying ourselves with the practical things that need to happen when a loved one has passed…

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