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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

10 years ago

Pros and Cons of Living in a Retirement Village

If you’re in retirement, or fast approaching retirement age, perhaps you’re wondering about where you want to live during this next stage of life. Many women over 60 are reinventing retirement by working longer, dating new partners, traveling and retiring abroad, and otherwise living life with a new level of vitality and purpose. Read More

10 years ago

3 Compelling Reasons to Learn a Second Language in Retirement

Christmas dinner at my house features a symphony of different languages. Over turkey and stuffing, it’s not unusual to hear German, Russian, English and French being thrown around. So, perhaps it’s no surprise that I have come to understand in a very personal way the value of learning a second language – or two or three – after the age of 60. Read More

10 years ago

Downsizing in Retirement – Can You Live with 200 Items?

Retirement is a good time to assess what is important in our lives. By focusing on our priorities and downsizing in retirement, we can make space for the things that really matter. In a literal sense, “downsizing” can mean moving to a smaller house or learning to “traveling light.” For me, it is so much more than this. After a lifetime of accumulating “stuff,” downsizing allows us to create mental space. It helps us to simplify our life on a fundamental level. It all starts with shifting our focus away from “things” and towards experiences and people. Read More

10 years ago

6 Retirement Tips for a Happier, Healthier, Wealthier Life

If you are winding down your working years and getting ready to embrace life as a retiree, it can often present a surprising blend of emotions. As you approach retirement, it’s natural to feel happy, proud, nostalgic, wistful, and perhaps a bit uncertain or even worried about “what do I do next?” Read More

10 years ago

There Are Plenty of Ways to Discover Cool Sites – Here’s One of My Faves

Everyone has their favorite websites. But, with so many to choose from, finding new places to visit online, while avoiding all the nonsense, can be challenging. Read More

10 years ago

Pack Your Superhero Lunch Box – Older Adults Are Returning to School

When I was a little girl, I loved to go to school. I used to enjoy packing my little daisy lunch box and satchel before heading off to class. 60 years later, it doesn’t surprise me that I am still passionately interested in learning new things.

Like many older women, it still makes me smile when someone teaches me something unexpected or interesting. In the past, I’ve written about several options for women who want to continue their education online. But, did you know that a record number of older adults are returning to school as well? Read More

10 years ago

Pills, Wills, Bills and Thrills: 12 Amazing Apps for Older Women

One of the common misconceptions about women over 60 is that we are not tech savvy. The truth is that we love our smartphones, tablets and eBooks just as much as anyone. We are also always on the lookout for amazing new apps to educate, entertain and inspire us. Read More

10 years ago

Why Downsizing in Retirement May Make You Happier – Dr. Dale Atkins (Video)

Whether you are considering downsizing in retirement or just looking for ways to simplify your life, this episode of the Sixty and Me Show is for you!

In this episode of the show, I speak with Dr. Dale Atkins, a well-known psychologist and relationship expert. Her focus in on families, aging well, managing stress and achieving balance in life. Read More

11 years ago

6 Simple Facebook Safety Tips for Older Adults

Women over 50 represent one of the fastest growing demographics on Facebook. But, while social media platforms are gaining popularity with my generation, not everyone knows how to get the most from Facebook, while staying safe online. Read More

11 years ago

How will Technology Change the Future of Healthcare for Women?

Women over 60 today can expect to live longer than any previous generation. Not only are we better educated about how to stay healthy, but, advancements in medicine are also giving us a longevity boost. Read More