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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

9 years ago

Collecting is One of the Best Hobbies for Women Over 50

If you have followed Sixty and Me for a while, you may be surprised to see me posting an article on why “collecting things” is such an amazing hobby for older women. After all, I’ve spent much of the last decade simplifying my life. Read More

9 years ago

Are You Proud to be a Baby Boomer?

Baby boomers are a diverse lot. I know people in their late 60s that are fit, fun and full of life. I also know people in their early 50s who are unhappy, cynical and close-minded. Read More

9 years ago

It’s Time to Reveal Your Secret Treasure! What One Thing You Couldn’t Live Without?

If someone asked me to reveal the one thing (remember a thing not a person) that I couldn’t live without, I would immediately say my phone. That’s it. My world exists in that tiny device. I panic when I leave the house without it and am always astonished when I hear that the average person checks their mobile phones around 60 times a day. Read More

9 years ago

Happy 69th Birthday Sally Field – We Love Your Versatility and Your Values

Sally Field is 69 today, November 6, 2015 and I wanted to share a few facts about this amazing woman that you may not already know. Let’s take a few minutes to celebrate her life so far. Then, let’s all wish her a very happy birthday in the comments section at the end of this article. Read More

9 years ago

Happy 60th Birthday Maria Shriver – You Are a Wonderful Advocate for Women’s Empowerment

I have a lot of respect for Maria Shriver. She is an author, journalist and advocate for women’s empowerment. She also happens to be the ex-wife of former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. She has been a public figure all her life. Read More

9 years ago

Daisies, Roses or Tulips? What Does Your Favorite Flower Say About You?

We often talk about our fashion and home décor choices and how they reflect our personality and style. I was thinking today about how our style is also reflected in less obvious choices that we make. Read More

9 years ago

Simple Sophistication and the Art of Living Well After 60

I never realized just how cluttered my life had become until I made the decision to start downsizing my life after 60. After years of accumulating “stuff,” I made the difficult – some would say dramatic – decision to reduce the number of items that I owned to 200. Read More

9 years ago

Happy 80th Birthday Julie Andrews – We Love Your Grace and Resilience

Most women over 50 know and love Dame Julia “Julie” Elizabeth Andrews. Her songs have left imprints in our hearts and the characters she has played are a part of our 60-year-old souls. Today, Julie Andrews is turning 80. Let’s take a quick look at why she means so much to the women in our community. Then, let’s wish her a fabulous birthday in the comments at the end of this article. Read More

9 years ago

How to Start Your Own Golden Girls House (Video)

Are you trying to decide where to live in retirement? The Golden Girls network may be for you! Read More

9 years ago

Celebrate Your Sixty and Me Sisters – Together We Are Invincible!

I never had a sister. As the older sibling to two boys, my childhood was spent dodging mud pies, swinging from trees and washing dirty clothes. Ok, I’m not really complaining. I love my brothers dearly. The point that I’m making here is that I never understood the power and value of sisterhood until much later in my life. Read More