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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

9 years ago

Elder Orphans: Tough Questions Answered

Most of us worry who will care for us, how to pay for living and medical expenses, how to manage chronic illnesses and how to remain connected and avoid isolation. In a recent post, I promised to ask Dr. Maria Carney, the elder orphans research lead, issues that bother readers most about aging alone…

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9 years ago

The Art of Maintaining Platonic Friendships as an Older Woman

No matter how old we get, women have a need to bond, nurture, listen and empathize. Read More

9 years ago

I’m Living the Dream – In a Static Caravan

As a 60-something-year-old travel writer, I have been lucky enough to stay in top hotels, cosy B&B’s and, on occasion, beautifully appointed self-catering accommodation. But, camping and caravanning have certainly not been on my agenda. Read More

9 years ago

A Monster Calls Movie with Liam Neeson and Sigourney Weaver

Everyone knows how cruel children can be. When you don’t quite fit in, or you are simply shy, it’s easy to feel completely alone. Read More

9 years ago

Elder Orphans: Planning Takes Courage, Wisdom and a Village

Many people fall into the elder orphan segment. In fact, research suggests that close to one-quarter of Americans 65 and older could end up with no family to care for them. This makes sense when you consider the fact that one-third of people between the ages of 45 to 63 are single. Read More

9 years ago

Are Your Fears Stopping You from Making Friends as an Adult?

Humans are hard-wired to avoid pain and seek pleasure. Unfortunately, when it comes to making friends as an adult, our self-protective instincts can be our worst enemies. Read More

9 years ago

Could Downsizing be a Key to Happiness After 60?

By the time we reach our 60th birthday, most of us have collected a lot of stuff. We have old bikes and new gadgets, boxes of used clothes and piles of unread books. In the words of Douglas Adams in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, “Most of it seemed to make some kind of sense at the time.” Read More

9 years ago

Elder Orphans: Exploring the 5 Stages of Aging

The best advice that I ever received on retirement and long-term care is, “the best time to plan is long before you need it.” Another good piece of advice is, “plan while you still have the energy, physical and mental health, and resources.” This is why 2016 is my year for planning. What are the consequences of not making a long-term care plan?

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9 years ago

The Importance of Being Your Own Best Friend After 50

Who is your best friend? If the name that just popped into your head was anything other than “I am,” you’re missing out! Ok, I know that it’s popular to say that you should “be your own best friend,” but, what does this really mean? More importantly, how can we go about building a stronger, more loving relationship with ourselves? Read More

9 years ago

Elder Orphan: Creating a Plan for Aging Alone

It’s important to build a long-term care and retirement plan early on, especially if you are single and don’t have children. The deeper I go into my sixties, the more I have become aware of the need to thoroughly prepare.  Read More