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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

8 years ago

Life 2.0: Creating a New Life Story When You Reach Retirement Age

People today are dealing with tough questions as they reach retirement.

After being a business owner, CEO, or any kind of corporate executive, how do you reinvent yourself? When you’ve followed a script your whole life, what do you do when you don’t know the next chapter? More importantly, how do you create a new life story for yourself? Read More

8 years ago

6 Steps to Writing a Memory Book

For some, writing a memoir is a cathartic experience, where the struggle and triumph of life’s adversity is laid bare. Read More

8 years ago

A Grumpy Guide to Retirement

So finally you have reached the age of retirement. All those years of anticipation, of looking forward to lie-ins, loafing about the garden, travelling to places you have never visited before and endless fun-filled days with your friends. That was until you realised your pension wasn’t as much as you hoped for and those destinations you fancied visiting are off the list or filled with lager-swilling louts and their noisy families…

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8 years ago

3 Unexpected Ways Starting a Blog Can Improve Your Life After 60 (Video)

Life after 60 is intense. So, why on Earth would anyone want to start a blog at our age? Isn’t there enough talk in the world? Don’t we all have better things to do with our time than share our opinions with the world? Read More

8 years ago

Practical Advice for Letting Go of Toxic Friends After 60 (Video)

Nothing will hold you back more than toxic friends. By the time we reach our 60s, you would think that we would have let go of all of the people who make us unhappy. Unfortunately, this is seldom the case. Read More

8 years ago

Looking for Inexpensive Dinner Ideas? This Is the Only Secret Ingredient You Need

Before I disclose the secret ingredient, let me reveal it is not love, sociability or friendship. At least not exclusively – despite that these cherished values may encourage us to reach-out to others in the first place. Such prizes of humanity are indeed the more fulfilling results of a congenial dinner as compared to any winning kudos for pulling off a fancy gastronomic shin-dig…

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8 years ago

Writing, Cats, Yoga and Ceramics – Embracing Life After Retirement (Video)

For most of our lives, we look forward to retirement as if it was the ultimate destination. We monitor our savings account, hoping that we have enough money to maintain our quality of life. We think about all of the fabulous places that we want to go. We dream about what we will do with ourselves when, for the first time in more than 4 decades, we have free time again. Read More

8 years ago

7 Simple Steps to Becoming a Writer After 60

Second Chapters. Third Acts. Call it what you will, your sixties are a time to recreate, reclaim and often reinvent yourself. You may be retired or partially so. You did a good job with the kids and they are carving out their own lives now. Maybe you’ve left a marriage and find yourself single again. Read More

8 years ago

Let’s Say No to Aging Stereotypes and Embrace Our True Selves

So, I’m busy deleting all those Facebook sidebar adverts for funeral plans, lawyers who will arrange Power of Attorney and annuity providers when it suddenly hits me: who the cotton-picking heck do these people think I am? Closely followed by: who do I think I am? Read More

8 years ago

What I Learned from My Downsizing Adventure

I’ve been considering moving for several years now. I have wanted to downsize and move somewhere warm and be close to the water. Read More