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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

8 years ago

6 Unexpected Ways Cake Decorating Can Boost Your Happiness After 60

I think most of us can say that we strive to be happy. It’s been proven that money doesn’t primarily affect how happy we are, so what makes us happy? Read More

8 years ago

5 Useful Things Boomers Can Learn from Millennials

My dad is a baby boomer. He runs every week with a couple of friends and they often talk about their millennial children.

This group of millennials, including me, are in our late 20s and are a pretty diverse bunch. We have started businesses, travelled the world and lived in exotic locations, changed jobs and moved multiple times and have altogether lived very different lives from our baby boomer parents. Read More

8 years ago

Why Life After 60 is the Perfect Time to Start Painting

A few years ago I was looking after a gallery exhibition. Sometimes artists have to share this duty for joint exhibitions and this was my turn.

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8 years ago

Don’t Choose an Independent Living Community Until You Ask These 6 Questions

It’s easy to understand the appeal of independent living communities. By the time we reach our 60s and 70s, many of us feel like we want a little extra support. We want to live in a community that helps us to stay social and active. At the same time, we value our independence and aren’t willing to accept invisibility. Read More

8 years ago

4 Exciting Ways to Show the World You’re Never Too Old to Learn

One of the things that makes my 60s so enjoyable is that I have discovered the fountain of vitality in the form of learning. Learning contributes to the joy and purpose in my life. Each morning I make a cup of tea and go into my office where I study. Read More

8 years ago

Master of Reinvention, Madonna, is Billboard’s 2016 Woman of the Year

Baby boomer women are masters of reinvention and no-one represents this trait in our generation better than Madonna. Over the decades, she has always had her finger on the pulse of popular culture. Her music, sometimes shocking, yet always entertaining, almost always represents the direction of our society. Read More

8 years ago

Travel First Class… and Other Reminders for a Happy Retirement

Have you retired or are about to retire? Here are a few things to remember as you move into this next journey of your life. Note that retirement is not about an age or amount of money; it is when work is optional!

Some of these reminders are passed down from an older generation but we sometimes forget them. Read More

8 years ago

Susan Sarandon Turns 70 Today, Shows that Life After 60 is Whatever You Make it

Celebrities live in a fantasy world of glamour and success. So, it’s always lovely to be able to highlight a brilliant actress who has remained down to earth. One such woman is Susan Sarandon.

Today, on her 70th birthday, I’d like to share a few details about her life. Then, let’s wish her a very happy birthday together! Read More

8 years ago

Judi Dench Doesn’t Allow These Words in Her House and Neither Do I!

For many people, “retirement” is seen as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow; it is a reward for a lifetime of hard work and an opportunity to relax and take it easy. Well, that’s the idea at least!

In reality, the concept of retirement, in a traditional sense, is both unrealistic and unhealthy. Now, before you accuse me of being out of touch with reality, let me explain. Then, I’ll tell you how this all relates to two words that Judi Dench refuses to let into her house. Read More

8 years ago

Were You a Daydream Believer? 10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Monkees

Fifty years ago this month Monkee mania began sweeping America and then England as The Monkees, a TV show based on the success of The Beatles and the madcap antics they had displayed in their first movie A Hard Day’s Night, debuted on the NBC Network.

The new made-for-TV band consisted of Davy Jones, Mickey Dolenz, Mike Nesmith, and Peter Tork, each chosen to display characteristics demonstrated by John, Paul, George, and Ringo. Read More